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peiming-XRust #134

Closed minkull closed 4 years ago

minkull commented 4 years ago

Peiming Liu, Texas A&M University, Gang Zhao, Texas A&M University, Jeff Huang, Texas A&M University,

Applying for reusable badge.

ICSE20ArtifactAnonymousReviewer commented 4 years ago

The authors apply for the badge reusable.

Reusable: The artifact is functional and easy to install and run.

Unfortunately, the source code does not seem to be available. Furthermore, there is no detailed documentation of what exactly is where in the docker container. That seems to limit reusability. Besides that, I would also propose to add a note to the instructions about the expected duration of running the benchmark.

License (ok): The license is MIT.

PeimingLiu commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank you so much for your careful review.

To clarify, the docker image contains all the source code for the modified XRust compiler as well as the source code for all the benchmarks listed in the paper. All under the /ICSE folder. We will add more descriptions.

We are actually in the progress of making a public the github source as well, but since we modified the Rust compiler and add keywords to it, it makes the bootstrapping process of the XRust compiler very complicated. The toolchain of Rust also changed dramatically since our modification, so it will take us sometimes to figure out the dependency of XRust (as it is built upon previous version of Rust compilers).

Finally, thanks for the suggestions for providing information about the expected duration! We will attach our results in the paper for reference!

We updated our readme for the docker image. It now contains a detailed description of what contains in the docker image (

Also, the source code for XRust on Github can be obtained from

Please let us know if there is any more concerns! Thanks again for your careful reviews!

ICSE20ArtifactAnonymousReviewer commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank you for the clarification. It is correct that the source code in available on the docker image. Thank you for updating the docker image's readme and adding a link to the github repository. Kind regards

timm commented 4 years ago

@ICSE20ArtifactAnonymousReviewer just to check: you are now agreeing to "reusable"? Or..?

@JonDoe-icse20Artifacts : looking forward to your review.

PeimingLiu commented 4 years ago

Please also let me know if there is anything I can do!

Thanks! Peiming Liu

ICSE20ArtifactAnonymousReviewer commented 4 years ago

@timm, yes I do.

timm commented 4 years ago

So currently we are at "reusable"=yes and am awaiting confirm or veto from @JonDoe-icse20Artifacts

JonDoe-ArtifactsTrack commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your submission. I have executed the version that has been updated by @PeimingLiu following to comments made by @ICSE20ArtifactAnonymousReviewer. The artifacts are now functional and are also carefully documented and structured. Indeed i was able to reuse and execute the benchmark that authors define.

I think we can give the Reusable badge to this artifact now.

minkull commented 4 years ago

Both reviewers recommend reusable.

minkull commented 4 years ago

Reusable awarded.