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lessons learned #195

Open timm opened 4 years ago

timm commented 4 years ago

note to all

none of the following are "definite" things to change... just notes for discussion to be shared with chairs of next conference's artifacts track


timm commented 4 years ago


timm commented 4 years ago

need to debate what justifies replicated reporidced

timm commented 4 years ago

need to clarify that replicated and produced need evidence of available

timm commented 4 years ago

reviewers need tp nbe cleared on their current conclusions (trend them with " #" eg.

recommend available and repdicable

reject all badges

timm commented 4 years ago

need a mailing list for the authors and reviewers

minkull commented 4 years ago

Authors should give an indication of the runtime (1 hour, 3 days?) and how to run a shorter version (eg 10 min) to check that it is functional.

minkull commented 4 years ago

Available requires a DOI or link to this repository along with a unique identifier for the object is provided.

Some are interpreting this as always requiring a DOI, but a link to a Git repo could also be seen as a unique identifier by others.

It would be good to clarify this point for future events, either by always requiring a DOI, or by specifying that certain web addresses ire also unique identifiers

minkull commented 4 years ago should start with the name of the paper that is applying for the available/reusable badges

timm commented 4 years ago

need a tight team of reviewers who do little initial reviewing but, just before deadline, jump in to handle emergency tasks (e.g. missing reviews)

neilernst commented 4 years ago

should consider file size limits. Some folks put out 6GB+ docker containers which in my view should be separated into data, scripts, libraries to be replicable.

timm commented 4 years ago

should consider file size limits. Some folks put out 6GB+ docker containers which in my view should be separated into data, scripts, libraries to be replicable.

we starting blocking those pull requests, allowing only .pdf (of the paper) and .md and img/* files that supported images in the .md.

neilernst commented 4 years ago

this wasn't the repo files in the Github for ROSE, but rather the referenced replication package.

I guess more broadly, what effort / possible bandwidth costs should the reviewer incur?

ICSE20ArtifactAnonymousReviewer commented 4 years ago

Not sure how (and whether) to address this: the interactive style of the issue discussions worked great and helped solving some bigger issues. However, I also see the risk of un-blinding reviewers as it is quite easy to guess where someone is, if you have a back and forth discussion over several hours or days...

washizaki commented 4 years ago

GitHub does NOT allow individual users to use multiple free machine accounts. Please refer to GitHub Terms of Service below. Assuming that most of PC members already had their own free machine accounts before ICSE Artifact review, most of PC members had to violate against the term of service by creating additional anonymous account for ICSE Artifact review. It would be better to have some explanation on this issue.

andivogelsang commented 4 years ago

Expectations for reviewers should be clarified. Especially, are there any expectations or minimum requirements for the number of rebuttals? Are reviewers expected to review the third or fourth update from the submitters?