researchgate / gradle-release

gradle-release is a plugin for providing a Maven-like release process for projects using Gradle
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Fix GitReleasePluginTests when global .gitconfig contains custom pretty format settings #375

Closed DamnedElric closed 2 months ago

DamnedElric commented 1 year ago

Test case "commitOptions are passed through to git command" would fail on my machine due to custom pretty format settings:


    pretty = %Cgreen%ci:%C(yellow)%d%Creset|%G?|%s (%Cred%h%Creset by %C(bold blue)%an%Creset) %ae [%GS]

This resulted in the following test failure:

Condition not satisfied:

newestCommit.contains("Signed-off-by: Unit Test <unit@test>")
|            |
|            false
2023-03-26 15:23:54 +0200: (myBranch)|N|[Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '1.1'. (40b3a21 by Unit Test) unit@test []

    at net.researchgate.release.GitReleasePluginTests.commitOptions are passed through to git command(GitReleasePluginTests.groovy:133)

This is a simple fix which tells the test to request the information it needs ("pretty=medium") rather than expecting the defaults to be right.