researchgate / gradle-release

gradle-release is a plugin for providing a Maven-like release process for projects using Gradle
MIT License
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I have a new idea to incorporate this feature into the plugin for the purpose of using dynamic version dependencies #382

Open zhangsg1234 opened 1 year ago

zhangsg1234 commented 1 year ago

The extension function of this plug-in I used and another plug-in can be extended to resolve the latest.release dependency version to the real version number when tagging, and restore the latest.release function when switching to the next snapshot version. I think it is necessary for the author to integrate this function into the plugin if he has time.

  1. import this plugin
    id 'com.github.ben-manes.versions' version "${versions_plugin_version}"
  2. Naming rules for version number variable names Plugin version number:artifactID_plugin_version Regular version number:artifactID_version
  3. extended content

    tasks.register('extractLatestReleaseProperty') {
        doLast {
            def directoryPath = "${buildDir}/latestReleaseProperty"
            def directory = new File(directoryPath)
            if (!directory.exists()) {
                println "Directory created: $directoryPath"
            } else {
                println "Directory already exists: $directoryPath"
            def outputFilePath = "${directoryPath}/report.txt"
            def properties = new Properties()
            properties.load(new FileInputStream(''))
            def propertyKeys = []
            properties.each { key, value ->
                if (value == 'latest.release') {
                    propertyKeys << key
            println "Latest release property extracted and saved to: $outputFilePath"
    tasks.register('changeRealVersion') {
        doLast {
            def latestReleaseList = new File("${buildDir}/latestReleaseProperty/report.txt")
            def realReleaseList = new File("${buildDir}/dependencyUpdates/report.txt").readLines().findAll { line ->
                line.contains(' - ')
            Properties gradleProperties = new Properties()
            File propertiesFile = file("")
                    .each { latestReleaseLine ->
                        realReleaseList.each { realReleaseLine ->
                            if (latestReleaseLine.contains('plugin')) {
                                if (realReleaseLine.contains(latestReleaseLine.replace('_plugin_version', '').replaceAll('_', '-'))) {
                                    gradleProperties.setProperty(latestReleaseLine, realReleaseLine.substring(realReleaseLine.lastIndexOf(":") + 1))
                            } else {
                                if (realReleaseLine.contains(latestReleaseLine.replace('_version', '').replaceAll('_', '-'))) {
                                    gradleProperties.setProperty(latestReleaseLine, realReleaseLine.substring(realReleaseLine.lastIndexOf(":") + 1))
            FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(propertiesFile)
  , null)
    tasks.register('recoveryLatestReleaseVersion') {
    doLast {
        def latestReleaseList = new File("${buildDir}/latestReleaseProperty/report.txt")
        Properties gradleProperties = new Properties()
        File propertiesFile = file("")
        latestReleaseList.each { latestReleaseLine ->
            gradleProperties.setProperty(latestReleaseLine, 'latest.release')
        FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(propertiesFile), null)
    tasks {
        dependencyUpdates.dependsOn clean
        extractLatestReleaseProperty.dependsOn dependencyUpdates
        createScmAdapter.dependsOn extractLatestReleaseProperty
        unSnapshotVersion.dependsOn changeRealVersion
        updateVersion.dependsOn recoveryLatestReleaseVersion
        commitNewVersion.dependsOn clean

    These only contain my additions