Master's librosa requirement is >=0.6.1, so librosa==0.9.1 can be installed by pip dependency resolver if other apps are using it.
Librosa 0.9.1 issues a warning:
[...]/site-packages/resemblyzer/ FutureWarning: Pass y=[ 1.4419351e-06 -5.9973927e-06 3.1637977e-05], sr=16000 as keyword args. From version 0.10 passing these as positional arguments will result in an error
frames = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(
Master's librosa requirement is
, solibrosa==0.9.1
can be installed by pip dependency resolver if other apps are using it.Librosa 0.9.1 issues a warning:
Keyword args should be also used in librosa.resample