resilar / crchack

Reversing CRC for fun and profit
The Unlicense
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Improve speed #2

Open deffi420 opened 8 years ago

deffi420 commented 8 years ago

The CRC computation is too slow for files >100MB. This can be improved a lot.


resilar commented 8 years ago

We could use Nayuki's method with loss of generality. But first, let's try to speed up the CRC function with precomputed tables because the cost of forging is roughly b times the computation of CRC(msg), where b is the number of modifiable bits, and CRC(msg) is currently slow as hell. We should also handle the case that b is a lot larger than the CRC polynomial size w. After these improvements, the resulting cost is about min(b,w) * CRC(msg), which is acceptable if CRC(msg) is reasonably fast.

resilar commented 5 years ago

The cost of forging has been reduced to O(n + b w³ log n) by exploiting O(w³ log n)-time sparse CRC calculation for b messages consisting of n-1 zeros and a single 1-bit.

The sparse CRC calculation utilizes (w×w)-bit difference-matrix A of differences (bit flips) caused by each input bit inversion in a w-bit window. X is solved from AX=B where B is the (w×w)-bit difference-matrix of the next w-bit window so that AX²=C represents the differences of the second w-bit window, and so on. Sparse CRC calculation precomputes log n difference-matrix squarings: X¹, (X¹)²=X², (X²)²=X⁴, (X⁴)²=X⁸ ... For a n-bit input, the difference caused by the ith bit (0 ≤ i < n) is obtained as the product of O(log n) multiplications of the precomputed (w×w)-bit differences-matrices.

In conclusion, the method constructs the final (b×w)-bit matrix for forging in O(b w³ log n) time assuming each (w×w)-bit matrix multiplication takes O(w³) time and the CRC of the input message is known.

TLDR Forging of CRC checksums is fast. For long messages, calculating the non-sparse CRC of the input message dominates the total running time in practice. This issue will be closed once the (non-sparse) CRC calculation has been optimized for speed as well.