Open hemantkakodia opened 2 years ago
@RobWin Hi. Can you please help here?
@RobWin Need help
are you sure it's the Resilience4j thread pool?
Can you log thread names? I can see ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1
The threads from our Bulkhead-Threadpool contain the name of the Bulkhead. Please see:
Hi @RobWin Thanks for writing back on this issue. Below is the piece of code i am implementing.
package io.github.resilience4j.bulkhead.annotation;
package io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.annotation;
@ElapsedTime(backend = Constant.backendA)
@Bulkhead(name = Constant.backendA, type = Bulkhead.Type.THREADPOOL)
@CircuitBreaker(name = Constant.backendA)
public ProfileResponse retrieveProfile(ProfileRequest request,
Map<HeaderUtil.HeaderEnum, String> headerMap,
String guid)
throws CompletionException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
io.github.resilience4j.timelimiter.TimeLimiter timeLimiter = resilienceTimeLimiterConfig.getTimeLimiter(Constant.backendA);
Supplier<CompletableFuture<ProfileResponse >> result = () -> CompletableFuture
.supplyAsync(() ->
ProfileResponse profileResponse = null;
try {
profileResponse = retrieveProfile(request, headerMap, guid);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while calling POST Profile ", e.getMessage());
return profileResponse;
return timeLimiter.executeCompletionStage(resilienceTimeLimiterConfig.getScheduledExecutorService(Constant.backendA, env), result).toCompletableFuture().get();
In method retrieveProfile()
, when used Thread.currentThread().getName()
, i got below:
Please let me know if i missed anything. Thanks.
1) If you are using a ThreadPoolBulkhead your method must always return a CompletionStage
or CompletableFuture
2) If you are using a ThreadPoolBulkhead you should not spawn another thread in another threapool, e.g. CompletableFuture.supplyAsync
, because the ThreadPoolBulkhead is already spawning a thread for your.
In your case you are spawning 2 threads per request đź‘Ž
Either use:
@ElapsedTime(backend = Constant.backendA)
@Bulkhead(name = Constant.backendA, type = Bulkhead.Type.THREADPOOL)
@CircuitBreaker(name = Constant.backendA)
@TimeLimiter(name = Constant.backendA)
public CompletableFuture<ProfileResponse> retrieveProfile(ProfileRequest request,
Map<HeaderUtil.HeaderEnum, String> headerMap,
String guid) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(retrieveProfile(request, headerMap, guid))
And for the timelimiter thread context propagation you need in your config
corePoolSize: 10
- com.config.CustomContextPropagator
Hi, I am using spring boot + RS4 CircuitBreaker without annotation. This is how I configure a CB and timelimiter:
public Customizer<Resilience4JCircuitBreakerFactory> circuitBreakerFactoryCustomizer(ActorCircuitBreakerProperties actorCircuitBreakerProperties) {
CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig = CircuitBreakerConfig.custom()
TimeLimiterConfig timeLimiterConfig = TimeLimiterConfig.custom()
return factory -> factory.configure(builder -> builder.circuitBreakerConfig(circuitBreakerConfig)
.build(), CB_ACTOR_CLIENT);
and in configured contextPropagator:
resilience4j.thread-pool bulkhead.instances.cb_actor_client.contextPropagator[0]=com.x.circuitbreaker.CustomContextPropagator
and using CB like:
var result = actorClient.query(
return mapActorSearchResults(result.getFragments().getActorSearchResults())
}, actorSearchFallback.fallback(ActorClientApiCalls.SEARCH_ACTORS));
When I debug, there is no call to any of the methods in propagator. I need to pass SecurityContext in the propagator. Thank you!
Hi @RobWin . We were also facing this issue and after applying below config it resolved our issue.
resilience4j.scheduled.executor: corePoolSize: 10 contextPropagators:
But I have doubt/question regarding 'corePoolSize' property of above configuration. Will it by pass thread-pool-bulkhead coreThreadPoolSize, which I have defined for resilience4j.thread-pool-bulkhead as below?
resilience4j.thread-pool-bulkhead: instances: my-bulk-head: maxThreadPoolSize: 50 coreThreadPoolSize: 20 queueCapacity: 20 keepAliveDuration: 2s contextPropagators:
Thanks in advance.
Yes, If a call must be retried for some reason or times out, we unfortunately cannot use the thread pool bulkhead to schedule the retry attempt or timeout exception.
Resilience4j version: 1.7.0
Springboot Version: 2.6.6 Java version: 17
We are using resilience4j.thread-pool-bulkhead and in Main thread, we are using some headers items in logs like below: Main Thread:
2022-05-03 11:10:10||Application_Name=<servicename>||GUID=<traceId>||Audience=<audienceId>||ID-Audience=<audiencename>
But with methods with resilience annotations, we are missing those headers in logs: eg GUID etc Resilience Thread:2022-05-03 11:10:13||Application_Name=<servicename>||GUID=||Audience=||ID-Audience=|| ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1
So, in resilience thread, these values are not mapped from main thread.
Below are the configurations, i am using for ContextPropagator which don't seem to work:
Code for Custom Context Propagator: com.config.CustomContextPropagator
I would appreciate help.