resloved / xtext

📝 — Display Text w/ X11
MIT License
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scroll text from right to left #2

Open trappedinspacetime opened 2 years ago

trappedinspacetime commented 2 years ago

Hi, First of all, I congratulate you on your project. I find it useful. I use Tickr RSS reader. It streams the rss feeds horizontally on the screen. But it doesn't support https protocol.

The following bash script streams the rss feeds in the terminal:

     while true;do n="$(curl -s|sed 's/</\n/g'|grep "title>"|sed -e '/^\// d' -e 's/title>/---------- /g' -e '1,3d'|tr '\n' ' ')";for i in $(eval echo {0..${#n}});do echo -ne "\e[s\e[0;0H${n:$i:$COLUMNS}\e[u";sleep .15;printf \\033c;done;done

I piped it to xtext but xtext can not handle it.
I am thinking of a way to make it work.