resolvetosavelives / healthicons

A collection of open source icons for public health projects.
MIT License
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Feature: Figma API integration #50

Closed nburka closed 3 years ago

nburka commented 3 years ago

We'd love to be able to:

Ideally it would run with yarn update-figma-icons or something like that.

There are two options:

  1. Make a custom Figma plugin. I've never done this, so I'm not sure how much work it would be.
  2. Use the description field and import that. Steven has already proposed a syntax for this second approach (seems like the easier approach)

See Slack conversation

I would suggest that we use that Description field for a verbal description of the icon (like alt text, eg. “Person with lab coat and stethoscope”), and a comma-delimited list of tags in square brackets. So, a description of the doctor_female icon would be something like: Woman with stethoscope [doctor, physician, woman, practitioner]

nburka commented 3 years ago

See API documentation

dburka commented 3 years ago

Note: We should create a tag like dhis2:file_name for every icon that represents a DHIS2 icon. Then we can change the actual filename to be consistent, use hyphens, and be meaningful

nburka commented 3 years ago

I've got a start of this working.

nburka commented 3 years ago

I'm using the package, but this might be even better? I'm not that familiar with GraphQL though