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ReSpeaker Mic Array V2 AEC issues #226

Open Ali-Amir opened 5 years ago

Ali-Amir commented 5 years ago

Which version is your board?

ReSpeaker Mic Array v2

Hi I'm trying to evaluate AEC on the ReSpeaker Mic Array V2. I tried the Audacity test - playing audio sounds through speaker connected to the mic array and recording through mic array on Audacity - both with 1 channel and 6 channel firmware versions. In both of them I saw that there is some leftover sounds from the speaker.

After that I tried connecting them to an Android phone and making a Google Hangouts call and heard a clear echo throughout. I ensured that the phone picks up the speaker and the mic. That left me wondering, is the performance of AEC that bad in such an application or am I doing something wrong. Running to query device parameters shows that all of them are set to default values (in other words AEC is enabled). I would appreciate your help with this.

Ali-Amir commented 5 years ago

Also, in regard to that, does speaker placement and speaker itself play a role in the AEC performance?

xiongyihui commented 5 years ago

If the speaker has serious distortion or introduce a long time delay, the AEC will perform badly.

It is normal that there will be a few leftover sounds from the speaker. You can compare recording audio channel 1 with channel 2, 3, 4, 5 of the 6 channel firmware. Most of the speaker's echo will be cancelled.

Ali-Amir commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your reply @xiongyihui. I have a few follow up questions: What is a long enough time delay to see those effects? How close / far should the speaker be from the mic? I'm guessing it's a trade-off between echo delay for AEC and echo amplitude to rest of the signal ratio.

Yjppj commented 7 months ago

I also encountered a situation where echo cancellation was very poor