respeaker / get_started_with_respeaker

This is the wiki of ReSpeaker Core V2, ReSpeaker Core and ReSpeaker Mic Array.
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Create a Debian 10 image for Rhasspy #259

Closed DivanX10 closed 1 year ago

DivanX10 commented 1 year ago

ReSpeaker Core v2

Rhasspy requires Debian version 10 to work. I have successfully installed Debian 10, but I have encountered a speech recognition problem. The microphone does not work correctly and does not always successfully recognize speech. Could you rebuild the old images for ReSpeaker Core v2, where Debian9 stands, so that you can run rhasspy without problems and that both the microphone and the sound work and that everything is recognized normally?


DivanX10 commented 1 year ago

It's a pity that you abandoned the project, but I solved the issue on my own. I figured out how to build for Debian 9, I think I can figure out how to build on Debian 10. I have created a new wiki for Raspeaker-Core-v2, which I personally went through and tested myself and am writing up-to-date instructions.

New wiki for ReSpeaker-Core-v2

Download the latest images for raspeaker core v2 c Debian 10 and Debian 11