respeaker / usb_4_mic_array

ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array with builtin VAD, DOA, AEC, Beamforming & NS
Apache License 2.0
137 stars 64 forks source link

Update/feed the tuning parameter to firmware #58

Open TommyCheng0222 opened 3 years ago

TommyCheng0222 commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm new to Respeaker usb MIC array forum. I have read about the contents from the official website, but there's a point confused me. I want to check the performance without AGC module. So I follow the procedure from official website. For example, python AGCONOFF 0 python --download 6_channels_firmware.bin python ( is downloaded from official website) Hence, I wish the 1st channel of the output.wav is the desired ASR result without using AGC module. However, The magnitude of the 1st channel of the is still much bigger than other channels which means that the AGC module is still being used . Are there any misunderstandings ? or can anyone tells me how to update the tuning parameter and generate the output file? Thanks a lot for your gorgeous help!!