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Single Component Dependency end-point function #133

Open rburghol opened 5 months ago

rburghol commented 5 months ago

This is provisionally completed pending review of PR #150

The STATE operational model system provides for "dependency execution" which assembles a list of integer IDs ordered according to their components data dependency (from independent to dependent variables), in order to insure proper order execution.

Currently, this is done in the same function that tokenizes all operational model and special action objects. But it would be best if there were a function to do this to allow us to extract different "execution chains" for a given endpoint to avoid redundant executions and the potential for erroneous data due to executing code outside of it's model domain.

Conceptual Example

What are the special actions/OM ops that must be executed each timestep for OD (withdrawal) during HYDR simulation in a given RCHRES 1?


Example: Find SEDTRN related executables in a single RCHRES via model_order_recursive()

# Must be run from the HSPsquared source directory, the h5 file has already been setup with hsp import_uci test10.uci
# bare bones tester - must be run from the HSPsquared source directory
import os
from HSP2.main import *
from import *
import HSP2IO
import numpy
from HSP2IO.hdf import HDF5
from import IOManager
fpath = './tests/test10/HSP2results/test10.h5' 
# try also:
# fpath = './tests/testcbp/HSP2results/PL3_5250_0001.h5' 
# sometimes when testing you may need to close the file, so try:
# f = h5py.File(fpath,'a') # use mode 'a' which allows read, write, modify
# # f.close()
hdf5_instance = HDF5(fpath)
io_manager = IOManager(hdf5_instance)
uci_obj = io_manager.read_uci()
siminfo = uci_obj.siminfo
opseq = uci_obj.opseq
# - finally stash specactions in state, not domain (segment) dependent so do it once
# now load state and the special actions
state = init_state_dicts()
state['specactions'] = uci_obj.specactions # stash the specaction dict in state

state_siminfo_hsp2(uci_obj, siminfo)
# Add support for dynamic functions to operate on STATE
# - Load any dynamic components if present, and store variables on objects 
state_load_dynamics_hsp2(state, io_manager, siminfo)
# Iterate through all segments and add crucial paths to state 
# before loading dynamic components that may reference them
state_init_hsp2(state, opseq, activities)
state_load_dynamics_specl(state, io_manager, siminfo) # traditional special actions
state_load_dynamics_om(state, io_manager, siminfo) # operational model for custom python
state_om_model_run_prep(state, io_manager, siminfo) # this creates all objects from the UCI and previous loads
# state['model_root_object'].find_var_path('RCHRES_R001')

# Aggregate the list of all SEDTRN end point dependencies
domain = '/STATE/RCHRES_R005'
ep_list = ['RSED4', 'RSED5', 'RSED6']
mello = model_domain_dependencies(state, domain, ep_list)
print("Dependency ordered execution for RSED constants and runnables influencing", domain, "=", mello)
mel_runnable = ModelObject.runnable_op_list(state['op_tokens'], mello)
print("Dependency ordered execution of RSED depemndencies (all)", domain, "=", 
model_element_paths(mello, state))
print("Dependency ordered execution of RSED runnables only for", domain, "=", 
model_element_paths(mel_runnable, state))
Extra testing output to show details of dependencies.
# Show order of ops based on dependencies
endpoint = state['model_object_cache']['/STATE/RCHRES_R005/RSED5']
mel = []
mtl = []
model_order_recursive(endpoint, state['model_object_cache'], mel, mtl)
print("Dependency ordered execution for constants and runnables influencing",
model_element_paths(mel, state)
mel_runnable = ModelObject.runnable_op_list(state['op_tokens'], mel)
print("Dependency ordered execution of runnables only for",
model_element_paths(mel_runnable, state)

# Just for grins, we can show the dependency using the special action as an end point
specl2 = state['model_object_cache']['/STATE/SPECACTION2']
mel = []
mtl = []
print("Dependency ordered execution for constants and runnables influencing ",
model_order_recursive(specl2, state['model_object_cache'], mel, mtl)
model_element_paths(mel, state)
mel_runnable = ModelObject.runnable_op_list(state['op_tokens'], mel)
rburghol commented 2 months ago

Created model_order_recursive(), which is based almost verbatim on model_tokenizer_recursive() but with no calls to tokenize or load. Test the existing base routine for the ability to trace requirements for only a sub-section with an end point: