respec / HSPsquared

Hydrologic Simulation Program Python (HSPsquared)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Warning Message while processing RCHRES 'extrapolation of rchtab will take place' vanishes when repeating the run. #15

Closed AtrCheema closed 6 months ago

AtrCheema commented 6 years ago

I am running a for loop to on method, problem is, it shows warning message

2018-04-03 18:44:14.34 Message count 2 Message HYDR: extrapolation of rchtab will take place 2018-04-03 18:44:14.34 Message count 1 Message HYDR: Solve did not converge

But when I rerun the same file again, these messages are vanished. What more worse is that sometimes the warning message is vanished on third run and not even on second run. I am using following code to run the HDF5 file.


def ROR8D(hdfname):      # getting calculated RO from HDF
    bf_p1 = pd.read_hdf(hdfname, 'RESULTS/RCHRES_R009/HYDR')['RO']
    outflow = bf_p1#*0.028316847     # convert cfs to cms
    OutflowR8D = outflow.resample('D').mean()
    #print('now total outflow is {}'.format(sum(OutflowR8D)))
    if isinf(sum(OutflowR8D)):         # check if any value of calculated RO is infinity, 
        print('infinity aa gya hai')
        OutflowR8D = OutflowR8D.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 0.0)  # replacing infinity values with 0.0
    return OutflowR8D

def ObjectiveFunction(xx):    #xx is a list of input parameters

    #changing parameters 
    df2 = pd.read_hdf(hdfname, '/PERLND/PWATER/PARAMETERS') 
    print('sum of all input parameters is {0:10.7f}'.format(sum(xx)))    
    df2.LZSN   = xx[0]
    df2.INFILT = xx[1]
    df2.KVARY  = xx[2]
    df2.AGWRC  = xx[3]
    df2.DEEPFR = xx[4]
    df2.BASETP = xx[5]
    df2.AGWETP = xx[6]
    df2.CEPSC  = xx[7]
    df2.UZSN   = xx[8]
    df2.INTFW  = xx[9]
    df2.IRC    = xx[10]
    df2.LZETP  = xx[11]
    df2.NSUR   = xx[12]

    df2.to_hdf(hdfname, '/PERLND/PWATER/PARAMETERS'), saveall=True)

    OutflowR8D = ROR8D(hdfname)
    TotalFlow = sum(OutflowR8D)
    #print('\n total flow is {} '.format(TotalFlow))

    while isnan(TotalFlow):                     # rerunning if run gave errors in first run
        print('             ...........Rerunning............. '), saveall=True)

        OutflowR8D = ROR8D(hdfname)
        TotalFlow = sum(OutflowR8D)`
PaulDudaRESPEC commented 6 years ago

Can you tell us about the computational environment? Are you running Windows? 32 or 64 bit? Python version, numpy and numba versions, etc.

AtrCheema commented 6 years ago

Windows 7, 64 bit Numpy Version 1.14.2 Numba Version: 0.35.0+10.g143f70e.dirty Python 2.7 on Anaconda.

PaulDudaRESPEC commented 6 years ago

Would you be willing to share the h5 file that produces the warnings? Either here or privately?

PaulDudaRESPEC commented 6 years ago

Given that h5 file, I am able to run HSP2 on it without getting that warning (or any warnings/errors for that matter). The warning message that you see is one that you might get if your input parameters are not getting set as intended -- maybe you are starting with a bad value in your xx array?

PaulDudaRESPEC commented 6 months ago

Closing this one related to python 2.7 version