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Kurumi's Bakery Choices #2

Closed n0k0m3 closed 4 years ago

n0k0m3 commented 4 years ago

CHOICES Pretend to be rich and invite Kurumi with the vouchers. Respectfully invite her by presenting the vouchers with both hands. Hold the vouchers in your mouth and beg her to go with you.

CHOICES Does Kurumi like sweets? What are Kurumi's 3 measurements? Did Kurumi like anyone before coming to the school?

CHOICES I want to know what Kurumi's favorite food tastes like. Yeah, I like anything that Kurumi likes. No, but since you like it, I'll indulge you.

CHOICES Take Kurumi to eat the most delicious bread. Promise to do whatever Kurumi says from now on. Give Kurumi whatever kind of "repayment" she wants.

CHOICES I want to know how to get along with Kurumi. I want to know more about Kurumi's past.

CHOICES Kurumi should have it, I won't eat it. Can I ask you to feed it to me?

CHOICES How could I ask Kurumi to cook for me? Of course, it will be delicious if Kurumi makes it.

CHOICES Strawberry Cheesecake Strawberry Peach Cake Black Forest Cake

CHOICES What kind of boys does Kurumi like? What color underwear is Kurumi wearing today?

CHOICES Maybe the air conditioner here is set too high! I'm just sweating from exercising on the walk over. I always feel the heat when I'm around Kurumi.

CHOICES Why did Kurumi reveal the [Spirit] identity? Why did Kurumi transfer to our school?

CHOICES I don't want to be apart from Kurumi for even a moment. Please let me help.

CHOICES What color does Kurumi like? What kind of sports does Kurumi like? What kind of boys does Kurumi like?

CHOICES What color does Kurumi like? What kind of sports does Kurumi like? What kind of boys does Kurumi like?

CHOICES Can Kurumi teach me to make it? I'll go back and check the recipe.

CHOICES Inform Kotori, tell her to get rid of Tohka. Hide from Tohka's sight. Sit and pretend that nothing happened.

CHOICES Can you loosen your grip? Your hands are so cool, so soft.

CHOICES What kind of boys does Kurumi like? What color underwear is Kurumi wearing today?

CHOICES Why did Kurumi reveal the [Spirit] identity? Why did Kurumi transfer to our school?

CHOICES It's good, but I want to eat Kurumi's. It's OK, I'll try to make it myself later. Just like I thought, Kurumi's baking is delicious!

CHOICES Take it off, I'll clean it for you. Here, you can wear my school jacket.

CHOICES It's good, but I want to eat Kurumi's. It's OK, I'll try to make it myself later. Just like I thought, Kurumi's baking is delicious!

CHOICES I ran into Kurumi while buying some kinako bread. Kurumi and I are on a date.

CHOICES Inform Kotori, tell her to get rid of Tohka. Hide from Tohka's sight. Sit and pretend that nothing happened.

CHOICES I only know a little bit. I have a few wives that are [Spirits].

CHOICES Inform Kotori, tell her to get rid of Tohka. Hide from Tohka's sight. Sit and pretend that nothing happened.