resplab / epicR

R package for the Evaluation Platform in COPD (EPIC), an agent-based whole-disease model for projection of health and economic outcomes and COPD interventions.
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Upgrade from fixed-ratio to LLN definition of COPD #8

Closed aminadibi closed 7 years ago

aminadibi commented 7 years ago

The definition of COPD should be upgraded to LLN, instead of the fixed 0.7 ratio threshold for FEV1/FVC, as per Hankinson JL, Odencrantz JR, Fedan KB. Spirometric reference values from a sample of the general US population. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 1999 Jan 1;159(1):179-87.

The change has already taken place in POHEM model.

aminadibi commented 7 years ago

In order to make the change, 8 regression formulas in input.R must be updated:

This is the corresponding piece of code:

  input_help$COPD$logit_p_COPD_betas_by_sex<-"Logit of the probability of having COPD (FEV1/FVC<0.7) at time of creation (separately by sex)"
    male =c(Intercept =-6.65,age = 0.046 ,age2 = 0,pack_years = 0.016, smoking_status = 0,year = 0,asthma = 0)
    ,female =c(Intercept =-6.92 ,age = 0.05, age2 =0,pack_years = 0.016, smoking_status = 0 ,year = 0,asthma = 0))
  input_help$COPD$ln_h_COPD_betas_by_sex<-"Log-hazard of developing COPD (FEV1/FVC<0.7) for those who did not have COPD at creation time (separately by sex)"

  ##Lung function
    female=c(intercept=-0.8339577 ,age=-0.0252077 ,height=2.7785297,pack_years=-0.0063040,current_smoker=0,sgrq=0))
  input_help$lung_function$fev1_0_prev_betas_by_sex<-"Regression (OLS) coefficients for mean of FEV1 at time of creation for those with COPD (separately by sex)"
  input_help$lung_function$fev1_0_prev_sd_by_sex<-"SD of FEV1 at time of creation for those with COPD (separately by sex)"

  input_help$lung_function$fev1_0_inc_betas_by_sex<-"Regression (OLS) coefficients for mean of FEV1 at time of development of COPD(separately by sex)"
  input_help$lung_function$fev1_0_inc_sd_by_sex<-"SD of FEV1 at time of development of COPD (separately by sex)"

The definition of COPD is already embedded in how the coefficients in these equations are calculated, the 0.7 threshold is never explicitly mentioned in the code.

These equations come at play under the EVENT_COPD heading in model.WIP.cpp:

void event_COPD_process(agent *ag)

  double pred_fev1=CALC_PRED_FEV1(ag);
  if ((*ag).fev1/pred_fev1<0.3) (*ag).gold=4;
    if ((*ag).fev1/pred_fev1<0.5) (*ag).gold=3;
      if ((*ag).fev1/pred_fev1<0.8) (*ag).gold=2;
      else (*ag).gold=1;

  double temp[2];


aminadibi commented 7 years ago

@shahzadg I need 8 LLN-fixed equations from you!


shahzadg commented 7 years ago

These equations may change in the future:

COPD prevalence from CanCOLD :

ww= (sex== FEMALE ) ? -4.377285 + (0.031689)double(integer_age) +(0.025183)PY + (0.636127)smoking_s :
-5.337997 + 0.044918
double (integer_age) + 0.018734PY + 1.093586 smoking_s ;

Initial_COPD_Probability = 1/(1+exp(-ww))

COPD incidence from Amin's equation :

log_Hazard_copd =( sex== MALE ) ?
-7.53034878 + double (integer_age) 0.05169510 + 0.01436641PY: ( sex== FEMALE ) ? -7.75310133 + double (integer_age) 0.05380265 + 0.01466302PY:

FEV1 Prevalence(baseline) :

FEV1= (sex== FEMALE ) ? 1.329805 + -0.031296 double (integer_age)+ -0.006925 PY+ 1.012579(gHeight_m)(gHeight_m) : 1.329805 + -0.031296 double (integer_age)+ -0.006925 PY+ 1.012579(gHeight_m)(gHeight_m) + 0.212974 + 0.003382;

FEV1 Incidence (baseline): FEV1 regression equation from CANCOLD based on LLN from NHANCES, the last term in the equation in the condition that FEV1/FVC is less than LLN of this ratio

FEV1= (sex== FEMALE ) ? 1.5737-2.75e-02double(integer_age)+(-4.65e-03)PY+ (0.97)(gHeight_m)(gHeight_m)+(-0.425)(has_copd_incidence==TRUE) ? 1.4895-3.22e-02double(integer_age)+(-4.28e-03)PY+ (1.27)(gHeight_m)(gHeight_m)+(-0.6831)(has_copd_incidence==TRUE);

aminadibi commented 7 years ago

@shahzadg Sweet! Using these equations, I recalibrated COPD incidence with the iterative approach. See below for detailed results of each run:

nIterations: 1000
nPatients: 10,000 
time_horizon = 20
                      male      female
Intercept      -7.903433669 -6.97644682
age             0.049834824  0.03586682
pack_years      0.008978898  0.01823664
smoking_status  1.481478755  0.93397776

Running with 100,000 patients again, to reduce the error and will let you know the results.

First Run:

nIterations: 1000
nPatients: 10,000 
time_horizon = 20
                       male      female
Intercept      -7.986607467 -6.94609704
age             0.050658975  0.03532266
pack_years      0.009039704  0.01793856
smoking_status  1.467749546  0.94517283

Second Run:

nIterations: 1000
nPatients: 10,000 
time_horizon = 20
                       male      female
Intercept      -7.995015219 -6.95702191
age             0.050740331  0.03546536
pack_years      0.009078453  0.01793198
smoking_status  1.470198842  0.93574235

Third Run:

nIterations: 1000
nPatients: 10,000 
time_horizon = 20

                      male      female
Intercept      -7.99955532 -6.94219957
age             0.05078785  0.03518884
pack_years      0.00909231  0.01805253
smoking_status  1.47333598  0.93346005

Average of the three runs:

nIterations: 1000
nPatients: 10,000 
time_horizon = 20

                         Male            Female
Intercept          -7.993726002 -6.948439507
Age             0.050729052 0.03532562
Pack_Years      0.009070156 0.017974357
Smoking Status      1.470428123 0.938125077

Which results in the following output in validate_COPD():

[1] 0.1237301

[1] 0.01525168

[1] 0.01525168

[1] 0.1146135 0.1328794

     40-50      50-60      60-70      70-80     80-111 
0.06982552 0.12202486 0.17605307 0.24379671 0.34556754 

      0-25      25-50      50-75     75-Inf 
0.06769634 0.14480957 0.38196978 0.64393939 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -5.391246656    0.045394828    0.018360888    1.082309256    0.003023303 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -4.414605846    0.031452242    0.025585949    0.643596274    0.003693911 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -5.415187278    0.045521666    0.018518708    1.085318128    0.003365276 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -4.459228427    0.031797929    0.025839680    0.643839335    0.004092516 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -6.061249075    0.051633564    0.019579413    1.074169069    0.007117395 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -5.600937396    0.043842322    0.028555077    0.620753190    0.005230727 
shahzadg commented 7 years ago

New set of equations for FEV1 prevalence


  (Intercept)  1.4564221  
  age            -0.0300643  
  pkyr            -0.0071115 
  Height2_SI   0.9368746 

(Intercept)   1.365940   
age            -0.032715  
pkyr            -0.003434   
Height2_SI   1.098201 

Amin: @shahzadg

This is how COPD incidence will look like based on the above values;

                       male      female
Intercept      -7.936003284 -6.70509390
age             0.050620788  0.03106581
pack_years      0.007761126  0.02033920
smoking_status  1.535318307  0.82152890

And here is the output of validate_COPD() based on that:

[1] 0.1232717

[1] 0.01537453

[1] 0.01537453

[1] 0.1133195 0.1333243

    40-50     50-60     60-70     70-80    80-111 
0.0703872 0.1207083 0.1733778 0.2454930 0.3452893 

      0-25      25-50      50-75     75-Inf 
0.06794505 0.14369668 0.38039421 0.62500000 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -5.367879784    0.045252104    0.017839056    1.133512105    0.003368152 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -4.239224473    0.028748918    0.026674057    0.542716849    0.004807521 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -5.381277144    0.045326321    0.017860215    1.129844308    0.003664168 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -4.298497123    0.029243861    0.026985654    0.543600768    0.005342133 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -6.060734417    0.052322228    0.018283254    1.105102799    0.006577326 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -5.523640298    0.041397695    0.030253643    0.532689101    0.009042111 
aminadibi commented 7 years ago

@shahzadg is Height2_SI the same as (gHeight_m)? Or is the first one height squared and the second one just simple height?

Also, I have recalculated COPD incidence regression with 100,000 patients. See above for results.

aminadibi commented 7 years ago

epicR v0.2.0 is now released with these equations:

Average of the three runs:

nIterations: 1000
nPatients: 10,000 
time_horizon = 20

                         Male            Female
Intercept          -7.993726002 -6.948439507
Age             0.050729052 0.03532562
Pack_Years      0.009070156 0.017974357
Smoking Status      1.470428123 0.938125077

validate_COPD () now shows year coefficients <0.01 for males and females overall and within gold stages:

> validate_COPD()
Initializing the session
Loading required package: tcltk
Terminating the session
[1] 0.1233817

[1] 0.0151412

[1] 0.0151412

[1] 0.1158011 0.1309154

     40-50      50-60      60-70      70-80     80-111 
0.07000574 0.12251603 0.17493595 0.24547999 0.33979902 

      0-25      25-50      50-75     75-Inf 
0.06699846 0.14636750 0.38039481 0.64957265 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -5.381403024    0.045154411    0.018399010    1.140008420    0.004052329 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -4.400657495    0.031119787    0.025215774    0.621563609    0.004300421 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -5.398984871    0.045246649    0.018537617    1.139637529    0.004232997 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -4.436814908    0.031427110    0.025395388    0.621184960    0.004526553 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
  -6.059049685    0.051280414    0.019945602    1.113019731    0.008884526 

   (Intercept)            age     pack_years smoking_status           year 
   -5.52739057     0.04239654     0.02828973     0.60033735     0.00725957 
aminadibi commented 7 years ago

epicR v0.3.0 is released with corrections of terms in FEV1 prevalence and FEV1 incidence.

The incidence of COPD had to be re-calibrated to account for changes. The new COPD incidence is as below:

                       male      female
Intercept      -8.341626527 -7.40741695
age             0.053539987  0.03751128
pack_years      0.004274558  0.01995802
smoking_status  1.523356867  0.92879076
