responsible-ai-collaborative / aiid

The AI Incident Database seeks to identify, define, and catalog artificial intelligence incidents.
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Home Page – Update common entities, support system entities #2590

Open jphall663 opened 7 months ago

jphall663 commented 7 months ago

I suggest we update the common entities feature on the landing page. It would be ideal for the common entities to reflect systems instead of/in addition to companies/organizations.

I understand this could require improved query mechanisms, and we may consider minimizing the feature until more incident response occurs or query approaches can be updated to reflect systems.

kepae commented 7 months ago

I agree. The entities we currently show rarely change, which doesn't give a sense of the times (e.g. LLM chatbot chaos).

There's a few things we can do.

@jphall663 @datherton09 @Janetbananet -- this change and another one suggested (#2563) have editorial and voice impacts on the landing page. I would suggest we discuss these in the next product meeting.

smcgregor commented 7 months ago

Idea to throw in the mix: list the most recent incident responses.

jphall663 commented 7 months ago

In the short term, I am in favor of:

Move it down the page, or remove entirely

On #2563, my feeling is I like the current setup. It draws me in sometimes, however, it also has click-baity vibes. I am concerned that referencing just the incident will look boring. I wonder if we could keep an image in the display, as it is now, whether we link to incident or news report.

Janet-ResponsibleAI commented 7 months ago

If we move "Common Entities" down the page, then it bumps up the next item in the horizontal view which is the "Quick Add New Report" link. Not to say there is anything inherently wrong with that, but it points to a broader question about the contents and order of contents on the landing page.

I'm going to create a mock-up of some changes to the landing page and open a new GitHub issue to generate discussion regarding the overall content and order, with an eye towards what's above the fold.

Regarding the system entities: @kepae and I chatted briefly about this today as well. I had a few conversations with Khoa in the past about how complex in could be to 1. determine a standardized approach for naming systems, and 2. retroactively identify the system in each of the AIID's incidents (since this hasn't historically been part of the initial editorial process when ingesting and creating new incidents.)

kepae commented 7 months ago

Thanks for everyone's input! We need to make this element better, but as Janet pointed out, without accidentally making other elements more awkward. I'd like to experiment with making the top entities reflect a rolling window of "recent" entities before we delete it from the page – especially without an above-the-fold element to sensibly replace it.

Tagging @pdcp1 since we discussed this yesterday. Let's investigate the query that produces the element and experiment with 1-, 3-, and 6-month calculations of the recent implicated entities.

kepae commented 7 months ago

ps @Janet-ResponsibleAI for posterity, you had some prior thoughts on this here: !

Janet-ResponsibleAI commented 7 months ago

ps @Janet-ResponsibleAI for posterity, you had some prior thoughts on this here: #1491 !

Whoa, thanks for digging this old one up! It's just what I need as a starting point.

kepae commented 6 months ago

@pdcp1 We had some conversation on this yesterday with Patrick, Janet, and co – it's most likely that we won't keep the "common entities" component at all, unless we have some compelling data that shows that the entities change consistently when considering shorter windows of time (e.g. 1 month), rather than all time as it is now. Instead, we would be likely to highlight incident responses in this spot, which is positive and complements the most recent incident report.

To help inform this home page UX decision, could you please

Then we can compare the two proposed changes.

pdcp1 commented 6 months ago

@kepae This is the information required:

Top-5 implicated entities for three separate 1-month windows

Incidents of November 2023

November 2023

Incidents of December 2023

December 2023

Incidents of January 2024

January 2024

Extra: Incidents from the last 3 months (Nov, Dec and Jan)

last 3 months

Incident responses received from November until now

Incident responses from November 2023 until now.csv

Janet-ResponsibleAI commented 6 months ago

Looking at the Discover app filtered by "Response" tag and sorted by most recent incident date, the search results I find more compelling than "Common Entities" are right now on the website. I vote we go ahead and replace that block, even if we still have some open questions about editorial practices around tagging and taxonomy issues around reports...

pdcp1 commented 6 months ago

@kepae @Janet-ResponsibleAI This is how the home page looks without the Common Entities block:


Homepage without Common Entities

Mobile (not affected)

localhost_8000_(iPhone 12 Pro)

kepae commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the demos! Let's go ahead with removing the common entities component, then we'll prototype the incident responses replacement after.

kepae commented 6 months ago landing page now no longer has the common entities component. I'm lowering the priority on this issue now that we've "triaged" the page and while we determine other changes, perhaps worth discussing in the more specific context: