resque / resque-web

a Rails-based web interface to Resque
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Retry failed job, chooses incorrect job #121

Open mintotsai opened 7 years ago

mintotsai commented 7 years ago

I have a situation where I'm retrying a failed job and it retries an incorrect job instead of the one I chose. Maybe that I have 986 pages of failed jobs (see image below), and resque can't handle the large amount.

To reproduce:

  1. Go to Failed tab
  2. Scroll to bottom where it shows numbering for multiple pages of failed jobs resque_
  3. Click on the highest number for latest page of failed job
  4. Go to a failed job
  5. Click retry
mlh758 commented 5 years ago

I think the issue here is that the id used in the parameter appears to actually be the index into the failed queue. If the failure list is changing while this happens, that index could end up being incorrect.

Controller method Redis datastore for failure

glensc commented 4 years ago


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