While using the checkboxes i found out, that the pdf does not contain the checked boxes if i'm using some characters. So far it seems, that this happens with dots. But i can not rule out, that this won't happen with other characters too.
Here is a minimal code snippet for reproducing it:
[checkbox checkbox-a "A"]
[checkbox checkbox-b "...B"]
[checkbox checkbox-c "C."]
[submit "Send"]
Create Pdf:
In this case b and c will not be checked in the pdf.
Hi, first of all thank you for your great plugin.
While using the checkboxes i found out, that the pdf does not contain the checked boxes if i'm using some characters. So far it seems, that this happens with dots. But i can not rule out, that this won't happen with other characters too.
Here is a minimal code snippet for reproducing it:
[checkbox checkbox-a "A"]
[checkbox checkbox-b "...B"]
[checkbox checkbox-c "C."]
[submit "Send"]
Create Pdf:
In this case b and c will not be checked in the pdf.
Regards Fabian