restjquery / RESTjQuery

Handle REST-API requests from or to your WordPress site using jQuery.
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Authentication mechanism improvements #4

Open nylen opened 7 years ago

nylen commented 7 years ago

securityCheck - Must be set so logged in users can access authorized requests.

It's not clear from the documentation or the parameter name what this is. It should be called nonce, with a link to the WP documentation page on nonces, and it should be documented why you would need to pass it, and what value it should have (it's only needed for clients that exist within wp-admin and are not using some other authentication method).

userName - Only set if authorization is needed. passWord - Only used if authorization is needed.

Contrary to the documentation, these parameters (and the nonce as well) are always sent, regardless of whether they are specified or not. I would expect this to cause errors with e.g. the Application Passwords plugin - these headers should only be sent if values are specified .

Also, the API supports lots of other authentication methods than basic auth username/password, and we don't really recommend basic auth as it's pretty insecure in several ways (sent unencrypted over HTTP; may send actual user passwords depending on implementation). You might want to consider allowing the client to set the Authorization header directly, for this reason.

Note that authentication gets complicated quickly: specifying a custom header still isn't enough to allow authenticating via OAuth1, which requires request signing.

seb86 commented 7 years ago

I'm currently working on correcting this. However, I'm not sure what other way to authenticate via jQuery is possible.

seb86 commented 7 years ago

WooCommerce does it differently with Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Does WordPress do the same?

nylen commented 7 years ago

Have a read through and let us know if there is anything else you think should be included there.

Passing an Authorization header of the user's choosing will allow authentication with several other methods. For example: Authorization: Bearer mF_s9.B5f-4.1JqM (no example given, but similar concept)

seb86 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for sharing. I will look into all of that.

seb86 commented 7 years ago

Basic Authentication handler

seb86 commented 7 years ago

WordPress REST API - OAuth 1.0a Server

seb86 commented 7 years ago

Here are a few concepts on how to identify the different types of authentication that I have in mind.

Token keys shown are not real. They are just placed there to give you an idea on what needs to go there.

Basic Authentication

var new_post = restjQuery({
    authorization: {
        authorized_method: "basic",
        username: "user01",
        password: "demo02"
    nonce: "853339a701",
    endpoint: "posts",
    formMethod: "POST",
    postData: data

WP OAuth Server 2.0

var new_post = restjQuery({
    authorization: {
        authorized_method: "wpoauth2.0",
        token: {
            access_token: "12345"
    endpoint: "posts",
    formMethod: "POST",
    postData: data

Other Token Authentication

An good example for using this is for WooCommerce.

var new_product = restjQuery({
    authorization: {
        authorized_method: "consumer",
        token: {
            consumerKey: "12345",
            consumerSecret: "335723"
    nonce: "853339a701",
    endpoint: "products",
    formMethod: "POST",
    postData: data
seb86 commented 7 years ago

WP REST API Broker Auth Client

seb86 commented 7 years ago

The use of authentication would be for backend applications. If you would like to give this issue a shot for Hactoberfest then please do.

I have provided examples above for different methods of authentication including links to various authentication plugins for the REST API.

When pushing your request please give clear instructions on what is needed in order for the authentication to for the method you have supported so that it can be explained in the documentaiton.

Thank you and happy hacking.