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2.0-snapshot maven repository is empty #549

Open jwhitney31337 opened 12 years ago

jwhitney31337 commented 12 years ago

See: (Currently, this shows an empty directory for me in the browser; if this is no longer the case when you view it, then perhaps the issue has been resolved)

What should be there is a population of maven meta-data and jars, as is currently true for

ansell commented 12 years ago

2.0 has been released, so people should not be using 2.0-SNAPSHOT anymore. 2.1 has not been released yet, as it is still in the release candidate stage, so that is why there are artifacts available for 2.1-SNAPSHOT.

You should be using the latest 2.0 version instead, 2.0.11,

jlouvel commented 12 years ago

Agreed. Maybe we should remove those 2.0-SNAPSHOT artifacts to prevent such issues.

jwhitney31337 commented 12 years ago

It's not a huge deal for me at this point, but: I ran into this issue indirectly via bridgedb, via paxtools. The point is, there are dependencies that are buried in some maven repository I don't control (in this case, bridgedb hosted by and which I've in fact never heard of. It would be kind to maintain the snapshot repository (just pick a reasonable version like 2.0.11 but then don't change it again in the future) because these things have a way of propagating.

My $0.02; thanks for quick attention in any case.

ansell commented 12 years ago

If you need to you can exclude the dependency from that source and replace it with the current version.

The danger of the snapshot repository is that it isn't maintained, as much as continually changed, so you don't know which version you are going to attach to if you use -SNAPSHOT, as it may be updated in the future. If someone has linked to 2.0-SNAPSHOT while 2.0 was in development, the last time it would be updated would be immediately before 2.0 is released. That version would be very similar to 2.0.1 but it would not likely be the same as the original version.

The artifact 2.0.11 should not be changed, but it won't be in -SNAPSHOT form, so you are safe to use it.