rete / LCEve

Linear Collider event display based on LCIO and experimental Eve7
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Issues with EVE7 #1

Open rete opened 4 years ago

rete commented 4 years ago

This issue page is meant for keeping track of all issues found in the ROOT experimental eve7 component. This issue will remain open until a "stable enough" version of eve7 will be provided.

1. Bugs


Left menu

Event scene

2. Feature requests


Left menu

Event scene

C++ interface

3. Nice features

Event scene

4. Questions / HOWTO

rete commented 4 years ago


linev commented 4 years ago

Here is first PR solving remaining "bugs"

It should be possible already now work without internet connection. We could make round of discussion that should be fixed/improved next

rete commented 4 years ago

Very nice ! This is very good news ! After merging I will have a try. Thanks Sergey

linev commented 4 years ago


I compress m.TreeStandardItem and provide checkbox and color indication.

Still in progress here:

linev commented 4 years ago

Add following line to .rootrc to fix http port:

WebGui.HttpPort: 9222
WebGui.HttpMaxAge: 0
linev commented 4 years ago

Indentation in m.Tree cannot be easily changed. openui5 dynamically adjust it depending of number of levels. See Many other points should be improved/fixed with

rete commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this comment.

For the indent, I guess we would have to live with it for the time being.

For the improvements, I actually pulled the ROOT changes in my docker image and had a quick test. It looks better indeed. There are more functionalities, in particular the context menu in the scene is really convinient.

But now I have a new issue: it seems that the event navigation is broken. When clicking on next or previous, there is no signal sent to the C++ server. It is either not send or not received, I will have to check in the javascript console and web server and make a proper debug.

I have pushed an updated docker image with the broken behavior under the name rete/lceve:nav-issue.

@alja Do you observe the same problem ?

linev commented 4 years ago

But now I have a new issue: it seems that the event navigation is broken. When clicking on next or previous, there is no signal sent to the C++ server.

I did not test it after I merge my and Matevz changes together. Should be elementary failure, which I will fix tomorrow-

rete commented 4 years ago

I suspected that it might be a piece of code broken on my side, but it is actually not it seems.

This is handler I have:

    /// Go to the next event
    nextEvent : function(oEvent) {
      console.log( "nextEvent" );
        "mir": "NextEvent()",
        "fElementId": this.eventMgr.fElementId,
        "class":      "lceve::EventNavigator"

The nextEvent message is actually printed in the console on button press but nothing happens. The issue is either in the sendMIR() function or on the server side.

linev commented 4 years ago

If code this way - it wrong. Now it should be like:

    "NextEvent()", this.eventMgr.fElementId, "lceve::EventNavigator"
rete commented 4 years ago

Also doesn't work

rete commented 4 years ago

I've seen naming convention changing for fElementId. I don't remember in which PR. Can this be the problem ?

linev commented 4 years ago

I've seen naming convention changing for fElementId. I don't remember in which PR. Can this be the problem ?

Check actual value of this.eventMgr.fElementId variable. I did not change naming convention - only arguments of SendMIR

rete commented 4 years ago

This was the PR I was talking about:

but it's not the problem.

linev commented 4 years ago

Now offline features works again: Not perfect, but highlight, selection, rendering on/off, change color can be used without server. Of course, not intend to replace server, just to be able test client code. And of course, for demos.

alja commented 4 years ago

@rete Interface of SendMIR has changes. I have updated alja / EveWebApp repo to root masterbranch:

If you have your version of Summary view than you need to access editor with GedController:

linev commented 4 years ago

@rete I just submit PR to fix several small problems in @alja example. See here: