Currently with Angular 17, its not possible to import ReteModule or RefDirective in a standalone component which is the default approach for Angular 17. When writing custom components, this is an issue and can only be solved by implementing a module with the classic approach.
Example to reproduce
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How to reproduce
Create a custom node component
Mark as standalone
Try to use refComponent directive
Import not possible for ReteModule or RefDirective cause its not standalone
Expected behavior
I can import ReteModule / RefDirective in order to use standalone components
Describe the bug
Currently with Angular 17, its not possible to import ReteModule or RefDirective in a standalone component which is the default approach for Angular 17. When writing custom components, this is an issue and can only be solved by implementing a module with the classic approach.
Example to reproduce
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How to reproduce
Expected behavior
I can import ReteModule / RefDirective in order to use standalone components
+-- @angular-devkit/build-angular@17.2.2
+-- @angular-eslint/builder@17.2.1
+-- @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template@17.2.1 +-- @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin@17.2.1
+-- @angular-eslint/schematics@17.2.1
+-- @angular-eslint/template-parser@17.2.1
+-- @angular/animations@17.2.3
+-- @angular/cdk@17.2.1
+-- @angular/cli@17.2.2
+-- @angular/common@17.2.3
+-- @angular/compiler-cli@17.2.3
+-- @angular/compiler@17.2.3
+-- @angular/core@17.2.3
+-- @angular/forms@17.2.3 +-- @angular/material-moment-adapter@17.2.1 +-- @angular/material@17.2.1 +-- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@17.2.3 +-- @angular/platform-browser@17.2.3 +-- @angular/router@17.2.3 +-- @auth0/angular-jwt@5.2.0 +-- @iharbeck/ngx-virtual-scroller@17.0.2 +-- @microsoft/signalr@8.0.0 +-- @rxweb/reactive-form-validators@13.0.1 +-- @types/file-saver@2.0.7 +-- @types/jasmine@5.1.4 +-- @types/jquery@3.5.29 +-- @types/jsoneditor@9.9.5 +-- @types/luxon@3.4.2 +-- @types/mdx@2.0.11 +-- @types/node@20.11.24 +-- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@7.1.0 +-- @typescript-eslint/parser@7.1.0 +-- @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@7.1.0 +-- angular-calendar@0.31.0 +-- animejs@3.2.2 +-- bootstrap@5.3.3 +-- chart.js@4.4.2 +-- chartjs-adapter-moment@1.0.1 +-- clone@2.1.2 +-- date-fns@3.5.0 +-- eslint-config-prettier@9.1.0 +-- eslint-plugin-prettier@5.1.3 +-- eslint-plugin-storybook@0.8.0 +-- eslint-plugin-unused-imports@3.1.0 +-- eslint@8.57.0 +-- file-saver@2.0.5 +-- flag-icons@7.2.0 +-- html2canvas@1.4.1 +-- husky@9.0.11 +-- iso-3166-1-alpha-2@1.0.1 +-- jasmine-core@5.1.2 +-- jquery-circle-progress@1.2.2 +-- jquery@3.7.1 +-- json-dup-key-validator@1.0.3 +-- jsoneditor@10.0.1 +-- karma-chrome-launcher@3.2.0 +-- karma-coverage@2.2.1 +-- karma-jasmine-html-reporter@2.1.0 +-- karma-jasmine@5.1.0 +-- karma-junit-reporter@2.0.1 +-- karma@6.4.3 +-- lint-staged@15.2.2 +-- lottie-web@5.12.2 +-- luxon@3.4.4 +-- moment@2.30.1 +-- ng-packagr@17.2.1 +-- ngx-lottie@11.0.1 +-- ngx-quicklink@0.4.4 +-- prettier@3.2.5 +-- primeicons@6.0.1 +-- primeng@17.13.0 +-- quill@1.3.7 +-- rete-angular-plugin@2.1.1 +-- rete-area-plugin@2.0.4 +-- rete-auto-arrange-plugin@2.0.1 +-- rete-connection-plugin@2.0.1 +-- rete-render-utils@2.0.2 +-- rete@2.0.3 +-- rxjs@7.8.1 +-- sass@1.71.1 +-- svg-country-flags@1.2.10 +-- tslib@2.6.2 +-- typescript@5.3.3 +-- xlsx@0.20.1 `-- zone.js@0.14.4
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