retejs / rete

JavaScript framework for visual programming
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Dynamically adding node on blur of input field #268

Closed akshayred closed 5 years ago

akshayred commented 5 years ago


I am trying to create a new node dynamically once value in a input field is filled in another node. I have tried following code which I created using 2 examples.

Do you know what I am doing wrong?

Ni55aN commented 5 years ago

Plugins built with rete-cli 0.5.0 and later must be used in browser as


but in your example you have older version (without default export in UMD), so you need to update plugins

akshayred commented 5 years ago

I updated the plugins. But when I update the rete js to 1.1.1, this starts to give error t.install is not defined.

When I change the editor.use(VueRenderPlugin); to editor.use(ConnectionPlugin.VueRenderPlugin); It gives error that t is not defined. Can you please help?

Ni55aN commented 5 years ago

Updating from rete@1.1.0 to rete@1.1.1 does not affect this error. You updated the rete-connection-plugin to a version with rete-cli 0.5.0 (or later), therefore * .min.js will return the default export as the "default" property -> Installation without bundlers (Webpack, Rollup, etc.)