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Feature requests #632

Open Ni55aN opened 1 year ago

Ni55aN commented 1 year ago

Please check out the discussion

delafer commented 1 month ago

Віталій Столяров я бачу ти справжній патріот! Я впевнений у тебе цілком призовний вік між 18 до 60. Я сподіваюся ти записався до збройних лав України? відколи github став платформою для всіляких політичних агітацій, гасел та іншого? є куди простіший шлях допомогти своїй Батьківщині, скажи, в якому районі Харкова живеш, і я скажу, де найближчий військкомат.

Vitaliy Stolyarov, I can see you are a real patriot! I'm sure you are of a fully conscripted age between 18 and 60. I hope you've enlisted in the armed forces of Ukraine. since when did github become a platform for all kinds of political campaigning, slogans and other political topics? There is a much easier way to help your homeland. Tell me what district of Kharkiv you live in, and I'll tell you where the nearest military enlistment office is.

Ni55aN commented 1 month ago

@delafer thanks for bringing up this issue and showing concern for the defense of Ukraine.

Regarding your question: GitHub is a platform for sharing the results of intellectual work with the community freely, “as is”, where authors have the right to add any content as long as it doesn't violate platform rules. What you're referring to as political slogans are responses to Russia's full-scale invasion.

I appreciate your willingness to help, so besides the advice, you can do a bit more — donate to the Ukrainian army or charitable funds. You can find them at the link (works for Germany too).

delafer commented 1 month ago

Regarding your question: GitHub is a platform for sharing the results of intellectual work with the community freely, “as is”, where authors have the right to add any content as long as it doesn't violate platform rules. What you're referring to as political slogans are responses to Russia's full-scale invasion.

I appreciate your willingness to help, so besides the advice, you can do a bit more — donate to the Ukrainian army or charitable funds. You can find them at the link

@Ni55aN Sorry, I don't send money to any war criminals and Nazis. And besides, they've already gotten more than enough. Or you really think your corrupt government needs even more money to buy new villas abroad, yachts and expensive cars like Bugatti, Maybach, Ferrari, etc.? I deeply regret and sincerely sorrow for the loss of the civilians of Kharkiv, who have become hostages of their own corrupted ineligible puppet government. As for the full-scale invasion of Russia, the Ukrainian army (convicted BTW as war criminals in Russia) has been destroying people in Donbass for > 8 years, killing about > 15000 people according to the OSCE mission. Germans celebrate the reunification of the GDR and FRG / BRD and their unification is considered a holiday, from the same point of view the reunification of historically Russian territories (Malorussia, Novorussia - that it is a well-known fact to historians) with Russia is quite a normal aspiration. Kharkiv was founded and settled by loyal subjects of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. What is wrongly presented as Russia's war with Ukraine is in fact a civil war inside Ukraine, in which Russia naturally supported Ukrainians loyal to Russia. Russia recognised Ukraine's independence only on the condition that it retained its neutrality status, which Ukraine violated by actively cooperating with NATO. The same reaction could be imagined if Russia started building its military bases in Mexico.

All opposition media channels are banned and closed in Ukraine, all opposition parties are banned in Ukraine, Ukrainians who dare to criticise the government, the president, etc. are either killed, like e.G. Oles Buzina or people in Odessa 02.05.14 or jailed. People are caught against their will and sent to die in this war. The Ukrainian army uses NKVD tactics and barrier units, shooting its soldiers in the back who do not want to fight. How many Ukrainians have drowned in the Tisza River trying to escape from this democratic country? What kind of democracy are we talking about?

By the way, from the 13th century of Russian history - Ukraine existed as an independent state of the UPR (3 years) + modern Ukraine (1991 - 2024 = 33 years), a total of only 36 years out of 13 centuries, which is less than 3% of the total time, i.e. for 97% of the time of its existence, Ukrainian territories did not have their own statehood, did not have their own currency, laws, goverment, etc. It was simply part of the Russian kingdom / empire or Rus, Russia, regardless of what it was called at different times.

P.S. And don't write that it's Russian propaganda. I don't watch any Russian news - I'm a Ukrainian and I was born and studied in Kiew, Moreover, I addressed you in Ukrainian language, but you preferred to answer in English, because you are from russian speaking and mentally russian city and probably don't know Ukrainian very well and the fact that 2 Ukrainians (and one of them with a typical Russian name - "Vitaly Stolyarov") have the exact opposite opinion and only 2% of citizens who have been drafted to the military recruitment centre agree to fight - speaks directly about the nature of the civil war in Ukraine.

delafer commented 1 month ago

@Ni55aN GitHub’s Acceptable Use Policies are clear on the type of content and activities that are not allowed on the platform. Specifically, GitHub does not allow content or activity that is unlawful, promotes unlawful activities, or threatens or incites violence toward any individual or group, especially on the basis of who they are.

Advertising and campaigning in support of one country in a war with another could potentially fall under these categories, especially if it involves unlawful activities or incitement of violence. Such content could also be considered as harassment or abuse toward individuals or groups, which is against GitHub’s policies.

Furthermore, GitHub’s guidelines emphasize the importance of being respectful and not posting content that is discriminatory or abusive toward any individual or group. This would include content that could be seen as an insult to the citizens of a country that such campaigning is against.

In conclusion, while GitHub supports free expression and collaboration, its policies do not permit content that could be harmful or offensive to others, including political advertising and campaigning related to war efforts. It’s important to review and adhere to GitHub’s Acceptable Use Policies to ensure a positive and lawful experience for all users.

Ni55aN commented 1 month ago


Sorry, I don't send money to any war criminals and Nazis

What country are you talking about? Oh... nevermind.

don't write that it's Russian propaganda

That's it! It looks sick, so I'll skip to P.S.

I'm a Ukrainian and I was born and studied in Kiew

Can anyone at Dr. Güldener Gruppe proove it, Alexander Bock?

I addressed you in Ukrainian language, but you preferred to answer in English

It's easy - the community is mostly English-speaking, so it makes sense that members understand replies to messages like yours

could be harmful or offensive to others

Is it harmful or offensive to you when someone supports a country that has been invaded?

delafer commented 1 month ago

@Ni55aN Vitaly, I could easily disprove all your theses, but what would be the point? I realise that in a front-line city, listening to the sirens every day - it is easy to believe your government's lies. Still, if you haven't already fled this "democratic" country - I wish you would do it. (at least not to become a puppet in the wrong hands and die for the wrong/foreign interests). If a Territorial recruitment centre military will catch you - even the fact that you're a volunteer fundraiser won't help you..

What country are you talking about? Is it harmful or offensive to you when someone supports a country that has been invaded?

I realise it's useless to appeal to the voice of rationality and logic, but I'll answer anyway.

Imagine having a hysterical and noisy neighbour who lives next door to you. Your wife leaves you for him, and now she lives in his apartment. This neighbour is aggressive, loud, and constantly shows you disrespect, but you put up with it. One day, the neighbour has a fight with his partner—your ex-wife—and starts beating her severely. She screams for help, and it’s clear that if no one intervenes, he might kill her. You try to reason with him, call out for help from other neighbours, but nothing works. After much thought, you decide yourself to stop the crime and potential murder . You break into his apartment, bust down the door, and try to calm him down and stop the assault. Naturally, he starts shouting about his sacred right to private property, claiming that she is his wife now, and he can do whatever he wants, even kill her.

Does this remind you of anything?

That's it! It looks sick, so I'll skip

You can even call it Russian propaganda that the Earth, our planet is a sphere ( geoid.) and you can say - "no, it's flat" But there is finally some basic logic and there are obvious facts recognised by official historical community, by academic historian. (I'm not talking about fake ukrainian history schoolbooks created with the money and initiative of the CIA) AIM: Ukraine as a territory - have never had a statehood of its own (except for a very short period between 1917 and 1920) and for hundreds and hundreds of years was part of Russian territories and also territories of other states - Poland, Austria-Hungary, etc.. Only the defeat of the USSR in the Cold War allowed REAL separatists to separate historically Russian territories and establish new (non-existing before) states such as Ukraine. Yes, despite the decision of the Soviet people at the referendum on the preservation of the USSR - separatists like Kravchuk, Yeltsin, Shushkevich, etc. - divided the country into their own ‘territories’ / new countries. Russia (as a main and biggest player ) eventually accepted this fact only on condition of neutrality and friendliness of its neighbour and tolerated this hysterical unfriendly newborn "country" for a long 31 years. and "Patience" is the main - key word here. But all patience comes to an end sooner or later. Especially if that neighbor is an aggressive vicious maniac that has wiped out a huge number of pro-Russian people in Donbass since 2014. Just the other day on June 2 was the anniversary of how in 2014 a Ukrainian pilot using prohibited shrapnel munitions killed many innocent people in the center of Luhansk, most of them women. Did the USSR have the right in 1945 to invade Nazi Germany treacherously? Do you have the right to invade anywhere at all if you see a crime being committed? Should Russia have waited for the complete massacre of the people of Donbass by the Nazis who seized power in Kiev, instead of acting proactively? Can mass crimes, including those against their own people, be justified by the fact that other countries have no right to violate the integrity of an independent country? When has this ever stopped the US, for example? Where in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria? Where?

should Russia have tried to stop a civil war in a neighbouring country, especially if one of the parties is extremely aggressive towards Russia? Should Russia have tried to save the Ukrainians loyal to the Russian Federation? Of course. It is in the direct interests of the RF. I see on social networks, in a group in Telegram how many people are waiting for the Russian Federation to liberate and come. Now they can't express their opinion openly - it's impossible in concentration camps like Ukraine, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

Hasn't Russia tried for 8 years to diplomatically stop the civil war in Ukraine and didn't Angela Merkel admit in her interview that the West used this time to prepare Ukraine for war against Russia. Yeah, she didn't say "prepare army for war" directly, but everyone with an IQ over 60 got the point. You didn't fall from the moon and must have read or heard something about it. Have you never heard that this is a proxy war between NATO and Russia, and Ukraine and people like you are just meat, natives whose lives are worth nothing to the west countries?

Ni55aN commented 3 weeks ago


Vitaly, I could easily disprove all your theses

You can't even answer simple questions (they are not rhetorical). "Yes" or "no", along with a brief explanation. Instead, you write extensive text closely aligned with the theses of Russian propaganda: image

Given the lack of progress in your ability to succinctly express your thoughts in the appropriate ticket, you are now subject to a 30-day block. Please take this time as an opportunity to reflect on your answers to existing questions and to concisely state your position.

I'm open to discussions like this. I don't believe that here, on GitHub, we should refrain from discussing issues not directly related to development. Remarkably, you've raised political topics here, which only proves that Open Source cannot be apolitical.

Btw, we can leave these comments (perhaps they will be useful in the future), please do not delete them.