rethinkdb / rethinkdb-python

Python driver for RethinkDB
Apache License 2.0
64 stars 35 forks source link

Moving from Python 2 to Python 3 and bump to v2.5 #277

Open gabor-boros opened 2 years ago

gabor-boros commented 2 years ago

Reason for the change

The Python driver is outdated, and lagging behind.


This PR covers the work of moving from Python 2 to Python 3, doing a major refactoring on the code and bumps to it support upcoming RethinkDB 2.5.0 features, shuch as: format.

Although a major refactoring was done as part of this PR, some features are still left to do. Beside lacking temporary features (like supporting dump, export, etc, which should live as a separate tool), this PR is not complete yet.

To see what's left, check the "Checklist" section.

Code examples

Calling the new format command

>>> from rethinkdb import r
>>> conn = r.connect()
>>> r.format(r"Hello {name}, I can count to 1..2..{count}.", {r"name": "Bob", "count": 3, }).run(conn)
'Hello Bob, I can count to 1..2..3.'

Calling rethinkdb management commands

# Calling the dump command
$ rethinkdb-dump
# ... or ...
$ rethinkdb dump

# Calling the export command
$ rethinkdb-export
# ... or ...
$ rethinkdb export

# Calling the import command
$ rethinkdb-import
# ... or ...
$ rethinkdb import

# Calling the index_rebuild command
$ rethinkdb-index_rebuild
# ... or ...
$ rethinkdb index_rebuild

# Calling the repl command
$ rethinkdb-repl
# ... or ...
$ rethinkdb repl

# Calling the restore command
$ rethinkdb-restore
# ... or ...
$ rethinkdb restore



ReQL Polyglot test results
test/rql_test/test-runner --interpreter py3.8 polyglot -j8
/Users/gabor/Developer/rethinkdb/rethinkdb/test/rql_test/../common/ UserWarning: Supplied JRuby driver path (RUBY_DRIVER) was not valid: /Users/gabor/Developer/rethinkdb/rethinkdb/build/drivers/ruby/lib
  warnings.warn('Supplied %s driver path (%s) was not valid: %s' % (name, info['envName'], os.environ[info['envName']]))
Using rethinkdb binary /Users/gabor/Developer/rethinkdb/rethinkdb/build/debug_clang/rethinkdb
    Python 3.8 interpreter: /Users/gabor/.pyenv/versions/rethinkdb-python/bin/python, driver: /Users/gabor/Developer/rethinkdb/rethinkdb-python/rethinkdb
== Starting: polyglot/changefeeds/include_states.py3.8 (T+ 1.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/aggregation.py3.8 (T+ 1.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/changefeeds/point.py3.8 (T+ 2.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/arity.py3.8 (T+ 4.7 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/changefeeds/sindex.py3.8 (T+ 6.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/changefeeds/include_states.py3.8 in 5.4 sec + 0.0 sec setup (T+ 7.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/changefeeds/table.py3.8 (T+ 7.7 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/changefeeds/edge.py3.8 (T+ 8.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/changefeeds/idxcopy.py3.8 (T+ 12.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/arity.py3.8 in 7.8 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 14.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/control.py3.8 (T+ 14.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/changefeeds/point.py3.8 in 11.0 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 15.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/changefeeds/squash.py3.8 (T+ 15.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/changefeeds/sindex.py3.8 in 8.4 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 15.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/datum/binary.py3.8 (T+ 16.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/datum/binary.py3.8 in 0.8 sec + 0.8 sec setup (T+ 19.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/datum/bool.py3.8 (T+ 19.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/datum/array.py3.8 (T+ 20.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/datum/bool.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 21.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/datum/null.py3.8 (T+ 21.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/datum/array.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.9 sec setup (T+ 22.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/datum/number.py3.8 (T+ 22.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/datum/null.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 23.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/datum/object.py3.8 (T+ 23.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/datum/number.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 24.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/datum/string.py3.8 (T+ 24.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/datum/object.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 24.7 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/datum/typeof.py3.8 (T+ 24.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/datum/typeof.py3.8 in 0.5 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 26.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/datum/string.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 1.1 sec setup (T+ 27.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/default.py3.8 (T+ 27.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/datum/uuid.py3.8 (T+ 27.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/changefeeds/squash.py3.8 in 10.4 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 27.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/format.py3.8 (T+ 28.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/datum/uuid.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.8 sec setup (T+ 28.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/geo/constructors.py3.8 (T+ 28.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/changefeeds/idxcopy.py3.8 in 15.8 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 29.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/format.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 29.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/geo/indexing.py3.8 (T+ 29.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/geo/geojson.py3.8 (T+ 29.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/geo/constructors.py3.8 in 0.6 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 30.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/geo/intersection_inclusion.py3.8 (T+ 30.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/geo/geojson.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 31.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/geo/operations.py3.8 (T+ 31.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/geo/intersection_inclusion.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 31.7 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/geo/primitives.py3.8 (T+ 31.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/changefeeds/edge.py3.8 in 22.9 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 32.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/geo/operations.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 32.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/json.py3.8 (T+ 32.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/joins.py3.8 (T+ 32.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/geo/primitives.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 33.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/limits.py3.8 (T+ 33.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/json.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 34.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/match.py3.8 (T+ 34.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/default.py3.8 in 6.5 sec + 1.0 sec setup (T+ 35.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/add.py3.8 (T+ 35.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/add.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.9 sec setup (T+ 38.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/aliases.py3.8 (T+ 38.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/aliases.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 1.9 sec setup (T+ 42.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/bit.py3.8 (T+ 42.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/bit.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 43.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/comparison.py3.8 (T+ 43.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/changefeeds/table.py3.8 in 35.4 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 44.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/div.py3.8 (T+ 45.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/comparison.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 45.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/floor_ceil_round.py3.8 (T+ 45.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/div.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 46.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/floor_ceil_round.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 46.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/logic.py3.8 (T+ 46.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/math.py3.8 (T+ 46.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/match.py3.8 in 12.3 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 47.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/logic.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 47.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/mul.py3.8 (T+ 47.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/mod.py3.8 (T+ 47.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/math.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 48.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/math_logic/sub.py3.8 (T+ 48.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/control.py3.8 in 32.0 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 48.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/mul.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 49.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/meta/dbs.py3.8 (T+ 49.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/meta/composite.py3.8 (T+ 49.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/sub.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 49.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/meta/grant.py3.8 (T+ 49.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/math_logic/mod.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 49.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/meta/table.py3.8 (T+ 49.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/geo/indexing.py3.8 in 19.2 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 50.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/limits.py3.8 in 15.0 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 50.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/mutation/delete.py3.8 (T+ 50.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/mutation/atomic_get_set.py3.8 (T+ 50.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/meta/dbs.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 51.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/mutation/insert.py3.8 (T+ 51.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/meta/grant.py3.8 in 10.0 sec + 0.8 sec setup (T+ 61.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/mutation/replace.py3.8 (T+ 62.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/mutation/delete.py3.8 in 11.6 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 63.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/mutation/sync.py3.8 (T+ 64.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/mutation/atomic_get_set.py3.8 in 19.9 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 73.7 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/mutation/update.py3.8 (T+ 74.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/mutation/replace.py3.8 in 15.6 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 80.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/mutation/write_hook.py3.8 (T+ 81.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/mutation/sync.py3.8 in 33.2 sec + 0.9 sec setup (T+ 100.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/polymorphism.py3.8 (T+ 100.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/mutation/write_hook.py3.8 in 19.1 sec + 1.7 sec setup (T+ 103.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/random.py3.8 (T+ 103.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/mutation/update.py3.8 in 27.7 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 104.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/random.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.9 sec setup (T+ 105.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1001.py3.8 (T+ 105.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/range.py3.8 (T+ 105.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/range.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 106.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1005.py3.8 (T+ 106.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1005.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 108.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1023.py3.8 (T+ 108.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/polymorphism.py3.8 in 7.5 sec + 1.3 sec setup (T+ 110.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1081.py3.8 (T+ 110.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1081.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 111.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1132.py3.8 (T+ 111.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1132.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 113.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1133.py3.8 (T+ 113.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1133.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 114.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1155.py3.8 (T+ 114.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1023.py3.8 in 8.4 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 118.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1001.py3.8 in 11.7 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 118.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1179.py3.8 (T+ 118.7 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1468.py3.8 (T+ 118.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/aggregation.py3.8 in 118.4 sec + 0.1 sec setup (T+ 121.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/1789.py3.8 (T+ 122.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1155.py3.8 in 7.7 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 124.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2052.py3.8 (T+ 124.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2052.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 127.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2696.py3.8 (T+ 127.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1468.py3.8 in 7.6 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 127.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1179.py3.8 in 7.9 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 127.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2709.py3.8 (T+ 128.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2697.py3.8 (T+ 128.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2696.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 129.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2710.py3.8 (T+ 129.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2710.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 130.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2766.py3.8 (T+ 130.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2766.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 133.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2767.py3.8 (T+ 133.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/1789.py3.8 in 8.8 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 133.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/meta/composite.py3.8 in 82.4 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 133.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2838.py3.8 (T+ 133.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2774.py3.8 (T+ 133.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2697.py3.8 in 11.9 sec + 1.1 sec setup (T+ 142.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/2930.py3.8 (T+ 143.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2767.py3.8 in 11.8 sec + 0.8 sec setup (T+ 147.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/3057.py3.8 (T+ 147.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/3057.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 1.4 sec setup (T+ 151.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/3059.py3.8 (T+ 151.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/3059.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 152.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/309.py3.8 (T+ 152.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2774.py3.8 in 17.4 sec + 0.8 sec setup (T+ 153.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/3444.py3.8 (T+ 153.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/mutation/insert.py3.8 in 105.4 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 159.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/354.py3.8 (T+ 159.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/354.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 160.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/3637.py3.8 (T+ 160.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/3444.py3.8 in 7.6 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 162.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/370.py3.8 (T+ 162.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/309.py3.8 in 8.5 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 162.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/3745.py3.8 (T+ 163.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2838.py3.8 in 36.1 sec + 1.2 sec setup (T+ 171.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/3759.py3.8 (T+ 172.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/3637.py3.8 in 10.8 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 172.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4030.py3.8 (T+ 172.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2709.py3.8 in 43.3 sec + 0.9 sec setup (T+ 173.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4132.py3.8 (T+ 173.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/3745.py3.8 in 9.1 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 173.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4146.py3.8 (T+ 174.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/370.py3.8 in 11.1 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 174.7 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4431.py3.8 (T+ 174.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4431.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 175.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4462.py3.8 (T+ 176.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/3759.py3.8 in 5.8 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 178.7 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4465.py3.8 (T+ 179.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4030.py3.8 in 7.0 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 180.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4146.py3.8 in 5.9 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 180.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4132.py3.8 in 6.3 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 180.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4501.py3.8 (T+ 180.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/453.py3.8 (T+ 180.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4582.py3.8 (T+ 181.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/joins.py3.8 in 148.8 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 182.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4462.py3.8 in 6.1 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 183.7 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/46.py3.8 (T+ 184.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4591.py3.8 (T+ 185.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4465.py3.8 in 6.5 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 187.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/469.py3.8 (T+ 187.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4591.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 1.0 sec setup (T+ 188.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/4729.py3.8 (T+ 188.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4501.py3.8 in 7.8 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 189.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/522.py3.8 (T+ 190.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4582.py3.8 in 8.9 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 191.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/453.py3.8 in 9.3 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 191.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/5222.py3.8 (T+ 191.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/5241.py3.8 (T+ 191.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/46.py3.8 in 7.2 sec + 1.1 sec setup (T+ 193.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/5438.py3.8 (T+ 193.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/4729.py3.8 in 11.2 sec + 0.9 sec setup (T+ 200.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/522.py3.8 in 9.6 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 201.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/545.py3.8 (T+ 201.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/469.py3.8 in 13.0 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 201.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/5481.py3.8 (T+ 201.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/546.py3.8 (T+ 201.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/546.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 203.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/5542.py3.8 (T+ 203.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/5241.py3.8 in 11.8 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 204.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/568.py3.8 (T+ 205.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/5438.py3.8 in 10.4 sec + 1.0 sec setup (T+ 205.8 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/578.py3.8 (T+ 206.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/545.py3.8 in 9.6 sec + 0.9 sec setup (T+ 212.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/579.py3.8 (T+ 213.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/5542.py3.8 in 10.1 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 214.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/5481.py3.8 in 11.5 sec + 0.9 sec setup (T+ 214.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/6108.py3.8 (T+ 214.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/619.py3.8 (T+ 214.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/6108.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 216.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/619.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 216.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/6191.py3.8 (T+ 216.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/665.py3.8 (T+ 216.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/568.py3.8 in 9.6 sec + 1.0 sec setup (T+ 217.3 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/678.py3.8 (T+ 217.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/5222.py3.8 in 24.2 sec + 1.1 sec setup (T+ 217.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/6191.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 217.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/730.py3.8 (T+ 217.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/718.py3.8 (T+ 218.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/578.py3.8 in 11.6 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 219.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/730.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 219.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/767.py3.8 (T+ 219.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/757.py3.8 (T+ 220.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/767.py3.8 in 0.4 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 221.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/regression/831.py3.8 (T+ 221.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/579.py3.8 in 6.9 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 221.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/757.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 222.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/sindex/api.py3.8 (T+ 222.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/selection.py3.8 (T+ 222.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/665.py3.8 in 8.7 sec + 0.9 sec setup (T+ 226.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/sindex/nullsinstrings.py3.8 (T+ 227.0 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/meta/table.py3.8 in 176.6 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 227.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/678.py3.8 in 8.2 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 227.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/sindex/status.py3.8 (T+ 227.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/718.py3.8 in 8.1 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 228.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/timeout.py3.8 (T+ 228.5 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/times/api.py3.8 (T+ 228.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/831.py3.8 in 7.4 sec + 0.8 sec setup (T+ 229.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/times/api.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 230.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/times/index.py3.8 (T+ 230.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/times/constructors.py3.8 (T+ 230.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/times/constructors.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 231.4 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/times/portions.py3.8 (T+ 231.5 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/times/portions.py3.8 in 0.3 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 232.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/times/shim.py3.8 (T+ 232.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/times/shim.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 234.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/times/time_arith.py3.8 (T+ 234.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/times/time_arith.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 235.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/times/timezones.py3.8 (T+ 235.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/times/timezones.py3.8 in 0.1 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 236.2 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/transform/array.py3.8 (T+ 236.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/sindex/nullsinstrings.py3.8 in 8.4 sec + 0.6 sec setup (T+ 236.7 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/transform/array.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 237.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/transform/map.py3.8 (T+ 237.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/transform/fold.py3.8 (T+ 237.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/transform/map.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 238.1 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/transform/object.py3.8 (T+ 238.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/transform/object.py3.8 in 0.2 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 238.9 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/transform/table.py3.8 (T+ 238.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/times/index.py3.8 in 11.6 sec + 0.4 sec setup (T+ 242.6 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/transform/unordered_map.py3.8 (T+ 242.9 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/transform/table.py3.8 in 4.4 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 244.0 sec)
== Starting: polyglot/transformation.py3.8 (T+ 244.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/selection.py3.8 in 24.2 sec + 0.8 sec setup (T+ 248.1 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/transform/fold.py3.8 in 13.7 sec + 0.2 sec setup (T+ 251.3 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/regression/2930.py3.8 in 112.2 sec + 0.7 sec setup (T+ 256.6 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/timeout.py3.8 in 29.6 sec + 0.8 sec setup (T+ 259.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/transform/unordered_map.py3.8 in 16.2 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 259.8 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/transformation.py3.8 in 20.3 sec + 0.3 sec setup (T+ 265.2 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/sindex/api.py3.8 in 51.2 sec + 1.5 sec setup (T+ 275.4 sec)
== Passed: polyglot/sindex/status.py3.8 in 160.8 sec + 0.5 sec setup (T+ 389.4 sec)

== Successfully passed all 138 tests in 389.75 seconds!

Do you want to help?

Great! Fix an issue, add unit tests, add more docs, help with integration tests, help porting a net module or a command[^1] and open a PR against this branch, so we can keep the effort focused.

[^1]: ~moving the commands has some prerequisite that will be implemented by @gabor-boros.~ -- resolved by

gabor-boros commented 2 years ago

cc: @lsabi @Inveracity

codeclimate[bot] commented 2 years ago

Code Climate has analyzed commit abbefd7e and detected 4 issues on this pull request.

Here's the issue category breakdown:

Category Count
Complexity 4

The test coverage on the diff in this pull request is 73.0% (70% is the threshold).

This pull request will bring the total coverage in the repository to 69.4%.

View more on Code Climate.

gabor-boros commented 2 years ago

@Inveracity @lsabi FYI: the base for management commands are done, so it could be possible to migrate the commands (though those will need a somewhat big refactor when porting)

lsabi commented 2 years ago

@gabor-boros The basis is good, but dumb question: should we merge it already without the commands and then port the commands or shall we port all commands before releasing?

gabor-boros commented 2 years ago

The basis is good, but dumb question: should we merge it already without the commands and then port the commands or shall we port all commands before releasing?

@lsabi I would say let's port the rest before merging. The reason is that I'm pretty sure that there are some people who use the driver's master branch instead of a git commit hash or tagged version. Yes, when we merge this PR we will break some integrations for them, but at least they will be able to upgrade to use the new driver which is functioning.

Especially that we would need some folks who can check the driver before merging.

irae commented 1 year ago

It might be obvious, but I would like to remember that restore/dump/import, etc., all the CLI commands are used by everyone, not only Python driver users.

I agree with the initial comment that those tools should live somewhere else. I would go as far as to say that it ideally should be part of the main binary installation and have no Python dependency, if possible.

And, yes, I realize this is likely abandoned... oh well, I'm commenting anyway, just in case someone picks up where it was left...

lsabi commented 1 year ago

@irae unfortunately, we're very busy with our lives and find almost no time to work on this project.

Back when we started porting the code to the latest python version, we also started implementing the cli commands. I'm no good at cli programs, so I got stuck at a certain point. Also, the export/import/... commands still need to be refactored and improved.

If you have some knowledge about python and cli commands, feel free to contribute. Otherwise I'll try as soon as I find some time to learn the cli library.