rethomics / ggetho

Visualise high throughput behavioural data in R, based on ggplot2
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Movement Classification and Visualization #42

Open zzaidi148 opened 3 years ago

zzaidi148 commented 3 years ago

Does anyone have any guidance as to how I can go about classifying and visualizing fly movements using RStudio as either 'walking', 'micromovement' or 'immobile' as shown in the original ethoscope publication. I'd like to replicate the box plot and frequency plot similar to this figure: image

Thank you! @qgeissmann

qgeissmann commented 3 years ago

Hello, I put together an example for you. It actually just uses custom ggplot. Feel free to adapt :smile: :


# mock data
metadata <- data.frame(id = paste0("toy_experiment|",1:20),
                       region_id = 1:20,
                       condition = c("A", "B", "C", "D")
dt <- toy_ethoscope_data(metadata, duration=days(1))
dt <- dt[, sleep_annotation(.SD), by=id]

# we can express x relatively to the food/...
dt[,x_rel:=ifelse(xmv(region_id) > 10, 1-x, x)]

# custom behaviour definition
dt_ord_2 <- dt[,
                 dd <- copy(.SD[, .(t, x_rel, moving)])
                 dd[, t := (floor(t/60))*60]
                      walked_dist = sum(abs(diff(x_rel))),
                      behaviour = ifelse(all(!moving),1,2)

dt_ord_2[, behaviour := ifelse(behaviour != 1, (walked_dist > .25) + 2  , 1)]
dt_ord_2[, behaviour:= ordered(c("q","m","w")[behaviour], levels = c("q","m","w"))]
dt_ord_2[, := (behaviour == "m")]
dt_ord_2[, walking := (behaviour == "w")]
dt_ord_2[, quiescent := (behaviour == "q")]
dt_ord_2[, label:= as.factor(xmv(region_id))]

# this could also be a named list, which is better
BEHAVIOUR_STATES_PALETTE <- c("#999999ff", "#4e9a06ff", "#0070b0ff")

pl_exple_behaviour  <- 
  ggplot(dt_ord_2, aes(t ,x_rel)) + 
  geom_rect(mapping=aes(xmin=(t) , xmax=(60+t),fill=behaviour), ymin=-1, ymax=1, alpha=.90)+
  geom_line(size = .5) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=BEHAVIOUR_STATES_PALETTE) +
  facet_grid(label ~ .)  + 
  scale_x_hours() + scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,  0.5), name="Position (rel.)") + 
  theme(panel.spacing = unit(0, "cm"), strip.text.y = element_text(angle = -0)) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,1))

That gives that: image

zzaidi148 commented 3 years ago

Thank you @qgeissmann! This worked beautifully! What I am now hoping to do is make a similar box plot to how you did in your PLOS paper:

Screen Shot 2021-03-17 at 9 20 46 AM

Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you knew of some way we could develop a heatmap for individual flies in R based on the velocity data used in the previous plot. Here's an example of what I mean and the R code that goes along with it adapted from AnimApp(another drosophila tracking software). image

zzaidi148 commented 3 years ago

Also @qgeissmann I think more importantly for my lab would be to understand how to visualize the following plots rather than the ones I asked about earlier (Figures A, D, and E are of particular interest): image

I'm terribly sorry for inundating you with questions!!!

antortjim commented 3 years ago

Adding to @qgeissmann beautiful MWE, here is the code that would produce the boxplot @zzaidi is asking for.


# mock data
metadata <- data.frame(id = paste0("toy_experiment|",1:20),
                       region_id = 1:20,
                       condition = c("A", "B", "C", "D")
dt <- behavr::toy_ethoscope_data(metadata, duration=days(1))
dt <- dt[, sleepr::sleep_annotation(.SD), by=id]

# we can express x relatively to the food/...
dt[,x_rel:=ifelse(xmv(region_id) > 10, 1-x, x)]

# custom behaviour definition
dt_ord_2 <- dt[,
                 dd <- copy(.SD[, .(t, x_rel, moving, max_velocity)])
                 dd[, t := (floor(t/60))*60]
                      walked_dist = sum(abs(diff(x_rel))),
                      behaviour = ifelse(all(!moving),1,2),
                      max_velocity = max(max_velocity) # take the 60 maximum out of the 10 second maximums

dt_ord_2[, behaviour := ifelse(behaviour != 1, (walked_dist > .25) + 2  , 1)]
dt_ord_2[, behaviour:= ordered(c("q","m","w")[behaviour], levels = c("q","m","w"))]
dt_ord_2[, := (behaviour == "m")]
dt_ord_2[, walking := (behaviour == "w")]
dt_ord_2[, quiescent := (behaviour == "q")]
dt_ord_2[, label:= as.factor(xmv(region_id))]

# this could also be a named list, which is better
BEHAVIOUR_STATES_PALETTE <- c("#999999ff", "#4e9a06ff", "#0070b0ff")

ggplot(data = dt_ord_2, aes(x = behaviour, y = max_velocity, col=behaviour)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  # comment if you dont want log10 transformation
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype="dashed", size=1) +
  # geom_hline(yintercept = ?, linetype="dashed", size =2) +
  geom_jitter(alpha=0.2) +
  labs(y = "Maximal velocity (rel units)", x = "Behaviour",
       caption = "1 rel unit = velocity correction coef fraction (0.003 or 0.3%) of length of tube")


qgeissmann commented 3 years ago

@antortjim yes. thanks for elaborating, you are right about your last point, but the 0.25 (and the position in general), is expressed as a fraction of the tube (ROI) width. It is an empirical number (the distribution of the distance moved given movement is bimodal, and this threshold splits the modes). I described this in my PhD thesis actually, see figure 4.7:

zzaidi148 commented 3 years ago

Thank you @antortjim and @qgeissmann! I am wondering though why my data seems incredibly close together as opposed to what you have presented. These are my WT flies under normal conditions, tracked for 96 hours: image