Closed qgeissmann closed 6 years ago
progress so far: adapting pracma::findpeaks()
find_peaks <- function(d, n_peaks = 3){
x <- d[, power - signif_threshold]
out <- findpeaks(x, npeaks=n_peaks, minpeakheight = 0, sortstr=TRUE)
peak_idx <- rep(NA_real_,n_peaks)
peak_idx[1:nrow(out)] <- out[,2]
peak_period <- as.list(d[, period][peak_idx])
names(peak_period) <- sprintf("peak_%i", 1:n_peaks)
peak_pow <- as.list(d[, power][peak_idx])
names(peak_pow) <- sprintf("peak_pow_%i", 1:n_peaks)
c(peak_period, peak_pow)
dt <- copy(dams_sample)
dt[, moving := activity > 0]
per_dt_xs <- periodogram(moving, dt, FUN = chi_sq_periodogram)
peaks <- per_dt_xs[, find_peaks(.SD), by=id]
ggetho::ggperio(per_dt_xs) + geom_line() +
geom_line(aes(y=signif_threshold), colour="blue") +
geom_point(data = peaks, aes(x=peak_1, y=peak_pow_1), col="red") +
facet_wrap( ~ id, ncol = 4, labeller = id_labeller)
and boxplot of peaks:
ggplot(rejoin(peaks), aes(y=peak_1, x=period_group, fill=period_group)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_jitter() +
two changes in approach came up:
), that can use the peak aesalltogether, the mnew layer can be used to draw peaks and values:
ggetho::ggperio(per_dt_xs_with_peaks, aes(peak=peak)) + geom_line() +
geom_line(aes(y=signif_threshold), colour="red") +
geom_peak(colour="blue") +
facet_wrap( ~ id, ncol = 8, labeller = id_labeller)
will have the shape of metadata We could also make a new stat to show the peaks on a ggplot...