rethread-studio / algorithmic-art-course

Collection of resources for the algorithmic art course at the Université de Montréal
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Algorithmic art research #6

Open bbaudry opened 8 months ago

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Here we collect academic conferences that contribute to the field of algorithmic art: creative coding, generative art, live coding, digital art preservation. Venues that publish regularly on these topics

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Forking a Sketch: How the OpenProcessing Community Uses Remixing to Collect, Annotate, Tune, and Extend Creative Code

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Tools, Tricks, and Hacks: Exploring Novel Digital Fabrication Workflows on #PlotterTwitter

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Technical Narratives: Analysis, Description and Representation in the Conservation of Software-Based Art

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Spellburst: A Node-based Interface for Exploratory Creative Coding with Natural Language Prompts

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

A Study of Editor Features in a Creative Coding Classroom

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Software engineering issues in interactive installation art

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

SArt: Towards Innovation at the intersection of Software engineering and art

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Software art

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

The Aesthetics of Exhibition: A Discussion of Recent American Computer Art Shows

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Old media, new media? Significant difference and the conservation of software-based art

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Toward aesthetic guidelines for paintings with the aid of a computer

bbaudry commented 8 months ago

Éloge de l’ordinateur dans les arts visuels

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Glicol: A graph-oriented live coding language developed with rust, webassembly and audioworklet

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

low-complexity art

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Internet of Things connected Pen Plotter. Bsc thesis, 2022

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Computer Graphics — Computer Art. Book, 1971

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Earth and Space Sciences for Computer Art Works

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Processing: programming for the media arts

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

JSoLangs: ephemeral esolangs in a collaborative live coding environment

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Estuary: Browser-based Collaborative Projectional Live Coding of Musical Patterns

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Exploring Collaboration in Computer Music Systems for Live Coding

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Computer Programming in the Creative Arts

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Visual Intelligence: The First Decade of Computer Art (1965–1975)

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Vera Molnar. Weaving Variations, by Szofi valyi nagy

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Kinetic Art Table. Polar sand plotter. Bsc thesis, 2021

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Sights and Sounds of Big Data: Ryoji Ikeda’s Immersive Installations

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Infinitesimal to Infinity: Ryoji Ikeda’s Data Composition and Space of Sensing. PhD thesis, 2018

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

Chance and Control: Art in the Age of Computers. 2019

"Opening at London’s Institute of Contemporary Arts ( ICA ) in 1968, “Cybernetic Serendipity” was one of the first international exhibitions devoted to the relationship between the computer and the arts. "

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

[research group] Machine Agency. Our work harnesses the precision of machines for the creativity of individuals

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

[research group] The Expressive Computation Lab (ECL) is a research group within the Media Arts and Technology Department at the University of California Santa Barbara. ECL's objective is to foster the development of expressive computational tools for art, design, and engineering

bbaudry commented 7 months ago

The Tools of Generative Art, from Flash to Neural Networks

bbaudry commented 6 months ago

Magic Squares and Aesthetic Events

bbaudry commented 5 months ago

Computer arts society

bbaudry commented 4 months ago

Generative Art Theory

Discusses generative art with a computer, regarding other forms of generative art

bbaudry commented 4 months ago

the creative coding research group at UC Santa Cruz

bbaudry commented 3 months ago

Creative Computing Institute

margelle commented 3 months ago

A Program for Victory Boogie Woogie

bbaudry commented 2 months ago

Artistic Skills and Capabilities for Navigating the Intersection between the Arts and Digital Technologies

bbaudry commented 1 month ago

Research on the Application of Coding Art in Creative Products