retorquere / zotero-better-bibtex

Make Zotero effective for us LaTeX holdouts
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Send Note to TexStudio ? #1560

Closed dimmenhau closed 3 years ago

dimmenhau commented 4 years ago

Hello, would it be possible to extend the plugin to send notes to TexStudio with the citation ? Then you could use the notes as a collection for quotations.

retorquere commented 4 years ago

Just out of curiosity: were you offered 4 kinds of issues to pick from? I see many unlabeled issues being created where the labeling should be automatic. I just don't understand how this happens.

In any case, you'd have to ask the texstudio people. If they offer a way to have notes pushed to them, I can have a look.

dimmenhau commented 4 years ago

Hello, i have not found a way to label my request. Otherwise I would have already labelled it as "Question".

If I go to "Export -> Format -> Chicago Manual of... ", then I can insert the notes into TexStudio by drag & drop. Only if I use the Better BibText Citation ... - format then it does not work.

retorquere commented 4 years ago

Hello, i have not found a way to label my request. Otherwise I would have already labelled it as "Question".

It should have been automatic. The standard "new issue" button above goes to and that should have offered you a choice. Strange.

If I go to "Export -> Format -> Chicago Manual of... ", then I can insert the notes into TexStudio by drag & drop. Only if I use the Better BibText Citation ... - format then it does not work.

Drag and drop works for me. Can you describe what you do, step by step (starting with "I open TeXstudio"), and what "does not work" looks like?

dimmenhau commented 4 years ago

Here's what I have in the works: TeXstudio 2.12.22 (git 2.12.22) Zotero 5.0.88

Zotero - Setting: Export -> Better BibTeX Citation Key Quick Copy

Library: see report Zotero-Bericht.pdf


Change the setting to "Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note)".

I hope this helps.

retorquere commented 4 years ago

So you mean you'd want to be able to drag and drop notes this way?

dimmenhau commented 4 years ago

yes and it would be nice if this could be linked to the \cite.

If that comes out in the end, then that would be a great solution: \glqq<notetext>\grqq~\cite{<citekey>}

Example: \glqqThis is a direct quote.\grqq~\cite{Hunnebeck.2014} \glqqThis is a direct quote.\grqq~\cite[p. ~12]{Hunnebeck.2014}

retorquere commented 4 years ago

I could see drag-n-dropping the notetext, but to have the citekey and glqq placed seems a bit arbitrary; people could have different preferences for that. What I could consider is that dropping a note and an item would drop both next to each other.

\glqqThis is a direct quote.\grqq~ won't work BTW, it would need to be \glqq{}This is a direct quote.\grqq~

dimmenhau commented 4 years ago

I can live with the two drag drops or I can write myself TexStudio macro.

After I created my own command for one, I'm not sure if the brackets are included in \glqq. Direct quote in my text: \begin{quoteDI}TEST\citeDI{Hunnebeck.2014}\end{quoteDI}

the definition thereof: \newenvironment{quoteDI}{\glqq}{} \newcommand{\citeDI}[2][]{\grqq~\citep[#1]{#2}