retorquere / zotero-better-bibtex

Make Zotero effective for us LaTeX holdouts
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conditional citekey formatting/zotero year field #478

Closed kaymmm closed 8 years ago

kaymmm commented 8 years ago

Related to this discussion:

I was hoping to try the test build you created for the linked discussion, but it's unfortunately gone and the citekey format entry in 1.6.45 doesn't like the [>0] option that you added in that test build. I saw that it's available in the shortcut branch and was wondering if there are plans to integrate it into master.

Alternatively (and apologies if this should be a separate issue), the default [zotero] formatter works in the majority of instances, however it breaks pandoc when the date fields are empty and the parser returns ????.

One possible fix for the [zotero] formatter might be to tweak this line to use something like ND or an empty string when a source has no date, but I know this would probably screw up a lot of people's existing citekeys that aren't pinned and is generally not a good idea unless an additional setting is added to make this opt-in. Any other suggestions?

retorquere commented 8 years ago

I didn't want to merge to master without confirmation from a user that it worked to their satisfaction, and test builds disappear after about a week because a) I don't want people to ever use too old test builds, and b) I need to know who's using them because they will automatically upgrade to a newer release if I put one out, and stuff would break if you expect that debug version to stay in place. I've put up an updated version that has the [>n] syntax here -- it will also have a few things that I'm prepping for release, but all existing tests pass. For clarity, it means "if what came before has more than n characters, proceed building the key, otherwise, try the next pattern".

I don't want to tweak the zotero formatter. It's sole raison d'être is to exactly duplicate the zotero key builder, warts and all1, to help people who have existing bibliographies, but if the stock BibTeX translators update, I'll follow suit.

For more complicated things, there's export postscripts; I don't want the pattern language to evolve into a programming language of its own, but manipulating the citation key from the postscript is not something you want to do without having a full understanding of its limitations. The citekey is the one piece of info a postscript can change that could really yield funny stuff.

1 with one exception, because that's outside what pattern formatters can affect, and that's generating duplicate keys. It would be too invasive to replicate that wart.

kaymmm commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thank you! I'll check it out later today and report back on the >n functionality.

retorquere commented 8 years ago


retorquere commented 8 years ago

Any feedback?

kaymmm commented 8 years ago

Sorry, didn't have a chance to check yesterday. I tried it with a few different combos and it works for the case of >0 as an exists/does not exist conditional, but I couldn't get it working with authors >1+ to see if there were multiple authors. Doesn't matter for my purposes, but wanted to report for thoroughness.

retorquere commented 8 years ago

the '>' filter is character-based, not object-based, so it can't detect multiple authors, just length of string so far.

retorquere commented 8 years ago

object-based is not in the cards. If character-based is useful, I can merge this and release it, otherwise I'm just keeping this on a separate branch for now.

retorquere commented 8 years ago

So, in or out on this feature? This issue being open is the one thing deferring the next release now.

kaymmm commented 8 years ago

My apologies, didn't see your previous message until just now. I definitely think it should go in the next release. It's useful and works with all of the cases that I've thrown at it.

kaymmm commented 8 years ago

tl;dr: citekey generation using [>0] formatting is broken since 1.6.51 (or maybe .52). Works in 1.6.50.

There's something a bit wonky going on recently with the generation and display of citation keys that may or may not be related to #497, but I'm pretty sure it's related to the [>0] citation format which is why I'm adding to this issue.

In general, it seems that citation keys are not being auto-generated, and right-clicking to generate a citation key does nothing. At least, that's what I think. They're definitely not being displayed in the Extra or Citation Key fields.

The reason I can't quite figure things out is that I just tried going back through previous releases one-by-one until I hit 1.6.50. The issue persisted through all of the recent versions until I went back to 1.6.50, when it seemed like the auto-generation of citation keys was working correctly.

When I checked the .bib file that is being automatically sync'd (tried with all methods of manual/change/idle), entries for newly added items are not being generated unless the citekey generates correctly. Everything seems to be working correctly with 1.6.50.

I'm using the citekey format: [auth][>0][year]|[veryshorttitle][year]. This had been working since the [>0] format option was merged a month ago. Using [zotero] as the format seems to be working as expected. If I just use something like [auth][year] it works as expected, but obviously not if the author field is empty.

I submitted an error report, report ID: M62BNEU3

When I try to generate a citation key, the debug error that's generated is:

JavaScript Error: "TypeError: longest.replace is not a function"

If I manually add a bibtex: SomeKey to the "extra" field, it will sometimes stick, but even that has been problematic as the "citation key" field will remain blank until I change the "extra" field a couple of times, and sometimes requires me to restart Zotero.

I'm having the same problem on both standalone and zotero-ffx.

kaymmm commented 8 years ago

also, please let me know if I should open a new issue instead of posting to this closed thread. apologies in advance...and thank you for all your work on this essential plugin!

retorquere commented 8 years ago

Please do open a new issue. It's very hard for me to keep track of what happens in closed issues.