retorquere / zotero-deb

Packaged versions of Zotero and Juris-M for Debian-based systems
MIT License
863 stars 32 forks source link

desktop launcher missing capital first letters #6

Closed alxsimon closed 5 years ago

alxsimon commented 5 years ago

First thank you for putting together this package. I installed the global-menu version on Ubuntu 19.04 and couldn't find the launcher in the dash while the file /usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop existed. I realised the first letters of each argument needed to be capitalized for it to work. After this modification it worked perfectly.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Open-source reference manager (global menu support)
Exec=/usr/lib/zotero/zotero --url %u
retorquere commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting this. I have fixed the problem, and the repo is rebuilding (should take about 10 minutes), at which stage you'll find a package with -1 in the version number.

retorquere commented 5 years ago

That's -2 because of #7, and it's up now.