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[Retrostone 2] Scrapper not working due to old version of EmulationStation & Problems upgrading EmulationStation #81

Closed mferrem93 closed 3 years ago

mferrem93 commented 3 years ago

There's an issue when we try to use the built-in scrapper from EmulationStation. The frontend itself doesn't say anything, but if you take a look at the logs they say the next lines:

lv10: TheGamesDBRequest - Error parsinig XML

It happens the same if you try to use ScreenScrapper instead. Searching on forums I discovered that this Issue is caused because TheGamesDB made changes on its API and EmulationStation needs to be upgraded. So, if we try to upgrade EmulationStation via RetroPie-Setup, it says that was not possible to build it succesfully due to some errors. If we take a look more deeply into the logs given on build time:

... -- Found SDL2: /usr/local/lib/libSDL2main.a;/usr/local/lib/;-lpthread
-- Found CURL: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (found version "7.58.0") -- Checking for module 'libvlc>=1.0.0' -- Found libvlc, version 3.0.8 -- VLC library found -- Found VLC: /usr/include/vlc
-- Could NOT find Rapidjson (missing: RAPIDJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS) -- Found ALSA: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (found version "1.1.3") CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: RAPIDJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS (ADVANCED) ...

I leave the log attached here just in case: rps_2021-01-27_111607.log

So, to solve this I had to install the package rapidjson-dev and then I could build succesfully and therefore upgrade EmulationStation.

After all of this I could use the scrapper with no problem.

I hope this helps.

retr0rangepi commented 3 years ago

rapidjson-dev dependency was already set in the RetroPie-Setup fork #branch v4.3 . Looks like the local RetroPie-Setup folder in Retrostone2 and other was still pointing to an older branch. I believe a git pull or updating from its menu would fix this. Luckily, ES sources for the old branch were updated a week ago , that's why it worked (but you probably have an awkward ROPI 4.2 Reloaded in the main menu instead of 4.3). Apologies for the confusion. Anyway, both ES branches are updated now