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Configuring USB Controller on Rock64 is Inconsistent #12

Closed bigchipbag closed 2 years ago

bigchipbag commented 2 years ago

I have a set of N64 style USB controllers from Amazon that are PnP compatible on windows and all the buttons map and work fine there.

When I plug the USB into the rock64 I get the "configure controller" popup from R-Cade, but when I press buttons on the controller, nothing really happens by pressing the associated button. Sometimes it will randomly assign three buttons in a row, and sometimes it will assign one after pressing it about a hundred times.

I'm not sure if this is specific to the controller itself or something software side. I will also try to pair a couple alternative controllers when I get a chance.

retro-center commented 2 years ago

Hi there! I didn't want this to go un-responded. I am preparing a new release which has a ton of fixes included for the input system, as well as some fixes for different controller drivers. Let's see if this next release addresses this issue. If it persists, please provide more information by logging into the board over SSH and running "dmesg" to let me see what driver your controller is being detected as.

bigchipbag commented 2 years ago

Great, I'll give it a shot when the new release is out and then re-open an issue with those details if it persists.