retroandchill / unreal-pokemon

Plugin Set/Starter Kit for making Pokémon/Pokémon-like games in Unreal Engine 5
9 stars 1 forks source link

Cannot compile project in 5.5 #198

Open Volcanicus opened 2 days ago

Volcanicus commented 2 days ago

I downloaded the project and tried to compile it so I could open it in 5.5. My first issue was that I didn't have paperZD installed, so I installed it but I seemingly cannot compile the project from source. I then tried to move the paperZD from the marketplace folder to the local plugins folder but that failed as well.

See attached log, it seems something is missing.

This message seemed most suspicious: 1>C:\Users\X\Desktop\unreal-pokemon-main_55\Plugins\UnrealRanges\Source\UnrealRanges\UnrealRanges.Build.cs : warning : Referenced directory 'C:\Users\X\Desktop\unreal-pokemon-main_55\Plugins\UnrealRanges\Deps\range-v3\include' does not exist.

Any ideas?

Volcanicus commented 2 days ago

And for reference, this is the message when trying to open the project: image

Volcanicus commented 2 days ago

And if we do not rebuild these, the shader compile triggers but is stopped with this: image