retrogubbins / pase

An emulation of the ZXSpectrum computer on an ESP32 and ILI9341 TFT Screen
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Looks very interesting! Some questions #1

Open martinberlin opened 5 years ago

martinberlin commented 5 years ago

Question: It would be possible to add Tape loading ?

It would be so great to add Tapes in SPIFFS and be able to load from there !!! Is it complicated to add this functionality. I will be always fun of this Spectrum machines. And it will be so cool to build an emulator with an ESP32. I doubt if has enough pins to simulate a Keyboard / VGA output etc. But I would love to give it a try.

Thanks for sharing this. And please keep us informed, just "watched it" and stared it ;)

rampa069 commented 5 years ago

Hi Martin and Charles.

Martin, Charles has another repo ( with vga almost working. I cloned the repo sometime ago and have it a bit more completed (sna loading working, border implemented, IFFS filesystem and some sna with permissions to distribute. I have it working with the bitluni PCB ( ) and still have pins for keyboard and buzzer.

martinberlin commented 5 years ago

Very cool @rampa069 Looking forward to find some free time :)

retrogubbins commented 5 years ago

Hi All

as you can probably tell from my code I'm not too good at getting the timing right on the Spectrum, anyone who can show me the error of my ways will be much appreciated. I updated PaseVGA to load SNA files and some very poor sound effects. Best Regards All

retrogubbins commented 5 years ago

Ah excellent work Ramon, I'm installing platformIO to try out your great improvements, thanks Pete.