retromcorg / Discord-Bot-Chatbridge

A Discord Chat Bridge that uses
MIT License
2 stars 5 forks source link

Suggestions #4

Open ChefMC opened 4 years ago

ChefMC commented 4 years ago
  1. Add please support of chat colors
  2. Add colors from Discord groups (e.g. black-colored "Discord Server Manager" group will be colored as "&0Nickname" of player in this group who writed message in Discord)
  3. Add ability to specify substrings and symbols to replace. For example Discord contains people who has nicknames like 𝘍𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘯𝘰. Minecraft don't resolve this fake letters, so people in game don't see nickname of people who has that one. It need to have ability to specify fake letters and replace them to real letters)
  4. People in Discord can choose any nickname that they want and introduce as other people, especially admins. It's need to add option to print "#0000"-like Discord users IDs in game. Also suggestion number 2 will help players detect who it is in Discord - staff or just fake default player who want to make harm
RhysB commented 4 years ago

Good ideas, I'll look into adding some of these. Sorry for the late reply :(