retspen / webvirtcloud

WebVirtCloud is virtualization web interface for admins and users
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CSRF 403 error when trying to enable guest agent. #630

Open oreillymj opened 5 months ago

oreillymj commented 5 months ago

Since upgrading to the latest version of Webvirt cloud and associated django version, I see CSRF 403 errors when using the UI. Specifically trying to enable the guest agent.

Looking at Chrome dev tools, I see a mis-match between the forms csrf token and the value in the csrf cookie.

I'm completely unable to login in a private window due to a 403.

When looking at dev tools, I see cookie set to csrftoken=zhMVW2QdpvjMWGcW8umYb32sUYvlEu5z; token=3-5570c1d9-8da8-437e-84e4-fb5ce744b36e

but the csrftoken on the embedded form is ....

csrfmiddlewaretoken: 878NbOOzWhERjIK09BJGlZinBQ7zrxXyxeKyXGuCbCNt5eMM7VVumSaFlEsKVRSX

Not sure if that mismatch causes the 403

csrf3_2024-01-15_151123 csrf2_2024-01-15_151028 csrf1_2024-01-15_150934

catborise commented 5 months ago

Could you be trying to reactivate a previously activated device? "Disconnected" typically means that guest tools are not installed on the operating system or the guest service is not running.

oreillymj commented 5 months ago

All was working before upgrading to latest github commit. supervisorctl shows 3 running services. I should mention that I have upgrade from Ubuntu20.04LTS ->22.04LTS, got Webvirtcloud running and I'm now on the 24.04 beta. I had to re-run pip3 so I maybe on a newer Django release which has stricter CSRF protection.

whsir commented 2 months ago

I'm having the same problem. CSRF 403

jbguo424 commented 1 month ago

Modify the like below _CSRF_TRUSTEDORIGINS = ['http://localhost','http://your ip']