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Light/Dark icons for folders and pages. #597

Open Mesmon opened 10 months ago

Mesmon commented 10 months ago

Is it possible to specify different url/svg icons based on the light theme? Like there is logo and logoDark for the project.

geoffreymcgill commented 10 months ago

Currently, it is not possible to configure separate light and dark (day and night) Page or Folder icons, but we have this feature request on our priority list.

If you use an embedded <svg> and do not embed color info, then the svg line color will be controlled by the CSS and automatically switch when the theme is updated. The following sample demonstrates using an icon from iconmonstr:

icon: <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 0c-5.523 0-10 4.394-10 9.815 0 5.505 4.375 9.268 10 14.185 5.625-4.917 10-8.68 10-14.185 0-5.421-4.478-9.815-10-9.815zm0 18c-4.419 0-8-3.582-8-8s3.581-8 8-8c4.419 0 8 3.582 8 8s-3.581 8-8 8zm1.08-9.204c0 .745-.549 1.008-1.293 1.008h-.463v-1.979h.64c.705 0 1.116.256 1.116.971zm3.92-1.713v5.833c0 1.151-.933 2.084-2.083 2.084h-5.834c-1.15 0-2.083-.933-2.083-2.083v-5.834c0-1.15.933-2.083 2.083-2.083h5.833c1.151 0 2.084.933 2.084 2.083zm-2.5 1.663c0-.69-.21-1.209-.628-1.557-.42-.348-1.031-.522-1.836-.522h-2.119v6.667h1.407v-2.371h.604c.823 0 1.457-.19 1.903-.57.446-.381.669-.93.669-1.647z"/></svg>
# Sample

This page demonstrates using an `svg` for the page `icon` config.
Mesmon commented 10 months ago

Thank you very much! A great solution for the meantime.