reuixiy / hugo-theme-meme

😝 You can’t spell awesome without MemE!
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Awesome MemE! #2

Open reuixiy opened 4 years ago

reuixiy commented 4 years ago

This is a special issue for MemE users. Feel free to add your blog here! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

reuixiy commented 4 years ago

My blog:

yixiuer commented 4 years ago


riiyn commented 4 years ago

awesome reuixiy 👍

wangxiaoerYah commented 4 years ago

Is there any way to translate the date of the home page into Chinese?i18n translation file only take effect on the classification and tag pages!I really like this theme, is the home page display time can not be translated into Chinese, Google search did not answer!😳



reuixiy commented 4 years ago

Hi @wangxiaoerYah,

Thank you for trying MemE! :smile:

Date format can be easily customized in Hugo and it’s quite interesting (see here). MemE also has a setting called postMetaDateFormat in config.toml to customize that.

For example:

  1. If you want to set the date format to 2019 年 9 月 17 日, just set postMetaDateFormat = "2006 年 1 月 2 日"
  2. If you want to set the date format to 2019-9-17, just set postMetaDateFormat = "2006-1-2"
  3. If you want to set the date format to 2019-09-17, just set postMetaDateFormat = "2006-01-02"

BTW, if you have any questions, please submit a new issue instead of asking questions here.

wangxiaoerYah commented 4 years ago

wow, it is very beautiful, thank you!😜


Xuezenghuigithub commented 4 years ago

Looking forward ur an easy-to-understand tutorial🥺

RocFang commented 4 years ago

@yixiuer 这个博客好漂亮,像纸质书的感觉。但不是直接使用这个主题就可以达到这个效果吧?

yixiuer commented 4 years ago

@RocFang 自定义样式即可,见

RocFang commented 4 years ago

@yixiuer 谢谢,这个是真的漂亮,是我见过最好看的博客页面了。

wangxiaoerYah commented 4 years ago

@yixiuer 谢谢,这个是真的漂亮,是我见过最好看的博客页面了。


ZhaoTim commented 4 years ago

Tim's Blog 一直都没怎么弄,所以还很空荡荡,先占个坑吧😂。

Xuezenghuigithub commented 4 years ago

我也贴一个:Zander Hsueh 欢迎互踩~~👣hhhh

pans0930 commented 4 years ago

As Me,a coder=SEE=GGHosts

huangdiv commented 4 years ago

Thank for your awesome work @reuixiy . Mine is here, almost completed.

CoelacanthusHex commented 4 years ago


Wjiajie commented 4 years ago


he-sb commented 4 years ago

鄙人的blog地址 疯言疯语刚刚建立,内容约等于零,欢迎来踩 :see_no_evil:

新增了技术类博客(其实是踩坑记录):HE-SB-技术栈,welcome~ 😄

ZhaoTim commented 4 years ago



Wjiajie commented 4 years ago

@ZhaoTim 在meme/layouts/partials/custom/head.html中加入下面内容:

<!-- require APlayer -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<!-- require MetingJS -->
<script src=""></script>





reuixiy commented 4 years ago

@he-sb 主题已支持了,且完全适配深色模式~

@Wjiajie 建议新建 ~/blog/layouts/partials/custom/head.html,这样能直接覆盖主题的文件。建议不要直接编辑主题的文件,不利于主题的更新。

Wjiajie commented 4 years ago

@reuixiy 好的,学习了

he-sb commented 4 years ago

@he-sb 主题已支持了,且完全适配深色模式~

@Wjiajie 建议新建 ~/blog/layouts/partials/custom/head.html,这样能直接覆盖主题的文件。建议不要直接编辑主题的文件,不利于主题的更新。

为你点赞!这两天考研,明晚更新一下 :+1:

Wjiajie commented 4 years ago

@he-sb 主题已支持了,且完全适配深色模式~ @Wjiajie 建议新建 ~/blog/layouts/partials/custom/head.html,这样能直接覆盖主题的文件。建议不要直接编辑主题的文件,不利于主题的更新。

为你点赞!这两天考研,明晚更新一下 👍


he-sb commented 4 years ago

@he-sb 主题已支持了,且完全适配深色模式~ @Wjiajie 建议新建 ~/blog/layouts/partials/custom/head.html,这样能直接覆盖主题的文件。建议不要直接编辑主题的文件,不利于主题的更新。

为你点赞!这两天考研,明晚更新一下 +1



yeyuqiu commented 4 years ago

My blog:

CurtainTears commented 4 years ago


reuixiy commented 4 years ago


看了下,应该是 APlayerSmooth Scroll 的兼容问题,怎么解决我也不知道……

一个 Workaround,添加一层逻辑控制 APlayer 的加载:

{{ if .Params.aplayer }}
    <!-- require APlayer -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- require MetingJS -->
    <script src=""></script>
{{ end }}

这样只有在需要添加音乐的文章的 Front Matter 中加上 aplayer: true,才会加载 APlayer。

CurtainTears commented 4 years ago

@reuixiy 在config.toml里 displayTOCTitle 设置为了true 但是并没有显示标题。

CurtainTears commented 4 years ago

我的: image 希望的: image

reuixiy commented 4 years ago


请移步 #57

声明:这条 Issue 的目的是供大家分享自己的博客的,请不要在这里提问。如果有问题,请新建一个 Issue,这样更有利于问题的追踪。

qihaoxiaoai commented 4 years ago

我也贴一个:Zander Hsueh 欢迎互踩~~hhhh


MatNoble commented 4 years ago

My blog:

zealscott commented 4 years ago

My homepage: My tech blog: My life blog: Thanks for the wonderful theme, I use it in my two blogs. Hope to know more interesting bloggers!

dawnow commented 4 years ago

My personal blog website:Dawner Welcome!

chzzfly commented 4 years ago


OldHuang-C commented 4 years ago

$ hugo server -t meme -buildDrafts Building sites … Built in 53 ms Error: Error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform "en/styles/main-rendered.scss" (text/x-scss): resource "scss/scss/main.scss_3166784b08e375d0eb80cb97d69bdac9" not found in file cache 请问出现这种错误如何解决呀?

reuixiy commented 4 years ago

@OldHuang-C 你好,

请安装最新版的扩展版(extended version) Hugo。

另如有问题,请移步 Issues 区,谢谢。

jwuxan commented 4 years ago

感谢 MemE 主题和 @reuixiy,MemE 功能很强大,最近集成的 mermaid 棒极了。

reuixiy commented 4 years ago


MatNoble commented 4 years ago

你好,我已经按照配置将博客部署到了 IPFS,但是无法使用 Lighthouse 

我的博客 可以正常访问

我知道这并不是 MEME 主题的问题,应该是 Cloudflare 某处没有设置好,我 google 了好多也没找到解决方案,不知道您是否了解,大致哪个设置会影响,谢谢

reuixiy commented 4 years ago

@MatNoble 网络问题


MatNoble commented 4 years ago

@reuixiy 谢谢了,现在 work 了。也许是因为我昨天刚迁移到 IPFS ...

yhyy135 commented 4 years ago

很喜欢一休做的 MemE 主题,希望越来越完善!

chenyanming commented 4 years ago

MemE 好美,简洁,清爽,阅读感觉很好,我的博客~

xeon-chow commented 4 years ago

非常感谢作者开发出这个主题,美观简洁但又功能丰富。期待作者能完善一下tutorial,形成类似 NexT 主题那样完善的文档,方便我这样的小白进行配置。这是我的博客:XEON CHOW

TokenBrice commented 4 years ago

Thanks @reuixiy for the amazing theme!

Here's mine

I am not a dev and I was able to figure it out thanks to your theme, ty for commenting a lot! If you have a minute, there is still one thing I can't figure out - the multilingual menu, but I have a few things left to try. :)


reuixiy commented 4 years ago

@TokenBrice Glad to hear that!

Your site looks great to me, can you submit a new issue to describe the problem you encountered?

TokenBrice commented 4 years ago

So as expected it turned out that I was doing something wrong - so I don't think is an issue.

I initially defined my FR menu inside the [menu] in the config.toml, instead of on their own. Code speaks more than words.

I was doing this:

        url = "/posts/"
        name = "Archive"
        weight = 2
        pre = "internal"
        post = ""
    # etc
        url = "/fr/posts/"
        name = "Archives"
        weight = 2
        pre = "internal"
        post = ""
        # etc

Instead of:

        url = "/posts/"
        name = "Archive"
        weight = 2
        pre = "internal"
        post = ""
    # etc

    url = "/fr/posts/"
    name = "Archives"
    weight = 2
    pre = "internal"
    post = ""
    # etc
yuhixyz commented 4 years ago

Awesome MemE! This is mine: