reujab / silver

A cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt with icons
MIT License
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Modules not showing up #41

Closed MGlolenstine closed 3 years ago

MGlolenstine commented 3 years ago

After installing silver using cargo install silver on my Arch machine and editing of the .zshrc file, I'm met with this:

$(build_left_prompt)                                                                       $(build_right_prompt)

Now I'm not sure what went wrong if anything, but I'm slightly lost.

My .zshrc:

export SILVER=(status:black:white dir:blue:black git:green:black cmdtime:magenta:black)
export SILVER_SHELL=zsh
source <(silver init)
setxkbmap si
setxkbmap -option kpdl:dot
export QT_QPA_PLUGIN="xcb"
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/
unsetopt share_history
export PATH="/home/arch/.cargo/bin:"$PATH
export PATH="/home/arch/.local/bin:"$PATH

I'm using Konsole as the terminal application.

thecaralice commented 3 years ago

Try installing git version with cargo install --git

MGlolenstine commented 3 years ago

@MinerChAI Sadly no change.

thecaralice commented 3 years ago

Does the problem persist if you restart Konsole?

MGlolenstine commented 3 years ago

It does. Let me try it out with another terminal.

MGlolenstine commented 3 years ago

image Tried it with 4 different terminals, but result is the same.

thecaralice commented 3 years ago

What is your zsh version?

MGlolenstine commented 3 years ago

Running zsh --version returns zsh 5.8 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

thecaralice commented 3 years ago

Do other prompts like p10k work for you?

MGlolenstine commented 3 years ago

If I comment out "SILVER" lines in the .zshrc, the p9k works fine.


I've also disabled oh-my-zsh to see if that would be causing it, but it's not.

MGlolenstine commented 3 years ago

Ok, this was my bad. For some reason Konsole doesn't get rid of ENV variables even after restarting it. I've opened Termite, disabled Oh-My-ZSH and now it works flawlessly.

Thanks for your help!