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Problem with the Ibaraki case numbers? #112

Open Tsukuba-Mike opened 1 year ago

Tsukuba-Mike commented 1 year ago

There seems to be a problem with the Ibaraki case numbers. it currently reads 50,946 - with daily new cases just 423. Whereas Tokyo has about 70,000 total cases and approx 7000, new cases; and Kanagawa 32,000 total cases and 3000 new cases. Both are in the order of (daily cases x10)=(Total cases). But in the case of Ibaraki it is closer to (daily cases x100)=(Total cases) - I don't think this is correct. What is the source of the data? I imagine that the data in recent weeks has only included new cases and not people who have recovered.

On the local site - I think the total is listed as - 8,461 cases ( - I could be wrong though; but I would have thought that is closer to the correct number. The local government website seems to have changed how it presents the data - could that be causing the issue with the data entering the website? (if you are using an automated data collection system). If you could take a look - it would be useful. Thanks

liquidx commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting the issue. I think there might be something wrong with our numbers for per-prefecture recovery numbers. Those were extracted from the MHLW documents but seemed to have stopped updating.

I'll take a look at them to see what's going on and if it is possible to fix.

liquidx commented 1 year ago

I did some investigation. We were missing the latest recovery numbers, so I fixed and backfilled the missing data.

We take our data from the MHLW rather than the Ibaraki prefectural site. However, according to the MHLW, Ibaraki's recovery numbers have not changed since the start of September, which is really odd.

The recovery number we're using is from here for 2022-09-22: from :

But since 2022-09-03, that number is the same for Ibaraki: from:

We'll keep this open for now as this problem seems to affect not only Ibaraki, but Saga and Miyagi. All the other prefectures have updated recovery numbers, so maybe this is an inconsistency/process issue between the prefectures and the central government.