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Regional/Prefecture-Level trajectories #109

Closed l15n closed 4 years ago

l15n commented 4 years ago

I've found that FT's cross-country/region trajectory charts are great for understanding the relative status of pandemic spread.

Example via Twitter:

I think that adding a graph like this would be especially helpful in Japan because of how reporting and disease tactics are not centralized here. There's a big difference between the prefectures that is quite difficult to grasp with just the latest total figres.

What's needed:

This should be achievable with current data, after some degree of massaging.

@reustle What do you think? This is something I'm interested in building.

liquidx commented 4 years ago

That would be awesome.

We just started a data repo that has exported the data from the spreadsheet into a JSON file:

I'm in the middle of automating pulling data from the spreadsheet and checking it in, but at the very least, that JSON file should have the data you need.

reustle commented 4 years ago

Thoughts of having the page show country-wide by default, with the option to drill down by prefecture?

KPIs and trend charts would show by prefecture, map would stay the same.

Otherwise, we add some kind of sparkline into the existing prefectures table, and make the height fixed and scrollable (so the table isn't as tall as it is now).

l15n commented 4 years ago

As a visitor, will the visualization tell me what I want to know? Does it summarize the data in a useful way? I'm not sure, so I'd like to try building a prototype first to make a concrete comparison.

Thoughts of having the page show country-wide by default, with the option to drill down by prefecture?

Since the page is getting crowded, I do agree that country-wide should be a priority. However, since global dashboards show Japan's top level numbers anyway, getting a handle on local status is likely to be more helpful for residents.

KPIs and trend charts would show by prefecture, map would stay the same.

Otherwise, we add some kind of sparkline into the existing prefectures table, and make the height fixed and scrollable (so the table isn't as tall as it is now).

Do you have a good example? The best one I can think of is the country comparison on Our World in Data's Corona Virus page

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I've also started collecting examples of country-level trackers for inspiration:

liquidx commented 4 years ago

I am very interested in added a sparkline or something like the Our World in Data graph to each prefecture row. It gives you a pretty quick glance of what's really happening.

My branch isn't quite working any more and I've wanted to move most of that fetching from google sheets to a static JSON file, which is now very close to done. So we could start generating the sparkline on the main site.

Here's an example that I had (I don't know where my other example was)

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l15n commented 4 years ago

I found another great visualization tied to some new open data sources:

This site illustrates active cases by prefecture vs available hospital bets, classified into a number of types.

Also has some per-prefecture drilldowns:

I think #91 was looking for something similar (in terms of active vs recovered)

liquidx commented 4 years ago

I got my branch back up and running:

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l15n commented 4 years ago

Another Japan dashboard

The visualizations are excellent, include an interesting sankey visualization for patient status

Useful ideas

l15n commented 4 years ago

USA version

(It's Kevin!)

liquidx commented 4 years ago

I think the data is there now in

With a little work, you can probably generate a similar graph for Tokyo vs Aichi vs Osaka etc.

l15n commented 4 years ago

With a little work, you can probably generate a similar graph for Tokyo vs Aichi vs Osaka etc.

Great! I'll give it a shot today

l15n commented 4 years ago

A first attempt:

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l15n commented 4 years ago

I explored a number of thresholds, but I think that with the current state of the prefectures, using a threshold of n>=50 is best. I expect n>=100 to be best in a few days though.

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Currently, I'm using a linear scale since it seems to work best. Log scale doesn't work well yet, suggesting that almost all prefectures don't have exponential growth yet.

reustle commented 4 years ago

It's live and looks great! Should we add a clarification for what the number means? I'm guessing it's currently "Days since the 50th case"?

l15n commented 4 years ago

Yep, I have an X-axis label that is perhaps a little too easy to miss.

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Maybe I can reposition the X-axis label and also add a Y-axis label too.