reustle / covid19japan
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Vaccination Focused Redesign #483

Open reustle opened 3 years ago

reustle commented 3 years ago

As we move closer to the vaccination phase here in Japan, I think it's time to have a discussion about how we could redesign the site to focus on this new vaccination information as it becomes available, and not after the fact.

The current iteration of the site is wonderful, but I don’t think it is useful to focus solely on such granular data anymore. By putting high level trends and a few key metrics at the top center of the homepage, we can utilize the rest of the space to focus on the next most important step of the pandemic, getting vaccinated.

Judging by the rollout in the US and in other countries, it seems we should be focusing on the following info. (Inspired by @patio11 's recent work)

In addition to that information on the site, we could also offer a simple newsletter sign up where we send out a weekly update on the vaccine rollout, new testing locations, and regulations around getting it.

Overall, the quick summary of the new site would look like this:

I’ve put together this high level mockup to help visualize what I have in mind below. I've also got access to development team members to make this happen fairly quickly and cleanly, if we are all in agreement.

Thank you so much for all of your contributions and support over the past year, everyone. I'm sure our 1,436,000 unique visitors appreciate your work too.


(cc @liquidx @Kay-Cube @l15n @mertd )

Related links:

mertd commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the mention! I like the idea of adding (or moving the focus to) vaccination information.

As far as I know, residents will receive a "vaccination ticket" via mail from their city office. Depending on whether this already includes an assignment of when and where to get the shot, a map of vaccination centers would be more or less useful.

If the data on which vaccination wave we're in (elderly only etc.) is publicly available, it will be very useful info to display. I assume this will depend on how centralized the rollout will be. I would prefer moving instead of removing the current numbers though, as new mutations might prolong the battle and information on both vaccination and spread might be valuable for some more time to come.

Kay-Cube commented 3 years ago

Some visualization ideas

  1. simplification of the status. I think we can make the graph the main part of a KPI widget. And some explanations arounds the graph.

    Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 20 48 55
  2. vaccination location map

    Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 20 49 06
  3. regional status section: just redesigned the look

    Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 20 49 19
lub-bee commented 3 years ago

From what I've heard : There are going to be different phases of vaccinations:

With priority cases according to certain pathologies:

We will normally receive by mail a contact number for a call-center in order to make a reservation. People may be able to choose between different types of vaccine - we are talking about 3 different types for now - each hospital (or temporary vaccination center) may have some, but not necessarily all types of vaccine (e.g. in the countryside). Therefore, people will theoretically have the choice between different vaccination centers, depending on the availability of these centers, and the type of vaccin they are looking for.

I'm not sure what these informations could change in terms of interface, however, keeping a map up to date on what type of treatment is available at which location seems quite complicated. The same goes for the vaccination phases. This is unlikely, but there is a possibility that all cities will have a different schedule, which drastically complicates the display possibilities.

I have access to some informations (some I can't divulge for contractual reason), but some others that can probably be useful here. I will try to follow this discussion.

ronkorving commented 3 years ago

I think it could be great to visualize how many people have been vaccinated so far.

This may provide some inspiration:

ann-kilzer commented 3 years ago

Here's an excellent visualization from the NYT:

stalkerg commented 3 years ago

probably any design will be good now because we have already some interesting data

stalkerg commented 3 years ago

Ok, some data we have here now

ronkorving commented 3 years ago

Aggregated data here, by @Leko:

Leko commented 3 years ago

The main purpose of my repository ( is to make the Excel files available on the Prime Minister's Office website machine-readable. There're two things that my repository seems to have over OWID's one is that it contains the latest vaccination data by prefecture. Another one is JSON format is available.

MargauxBarbier commented 3 years ago

Hi, I tried to gather a few links I could find lately. I can help with translation / further digging!

Vaccine Stations // コロナワクチンナビ Format: Research Engine per prefecture Update rate: Not clear, every time there is a new vaccine station? Infos: Station’s address, Map, Type of vaccine given, Website, Phone Number, Business hours, Last update date

Number of people vaccinated per day (before 9th of April) Format: Github Update rate: Every 2-3 days Infos: URL for source, date, total inoculation, n°1 inoculation, n°2 inoculation, vaccine type, number of locations doing vaccine

Eligibility Schedule // ワクチンの接種スケジュール Format: Text Update rate: based on the government announcements I guess Infos: start date, category, source, priority category

Number of people vaccinated per category // 日別の実績(医療従事者等 (medical staff) / 高齢者等(elderly)) Format : Excel / PDF Update rate: Every week days Infos: date, n°1 inoculation, n°2 inoculation, total vaccinations

Number of people vaccinated per day per prefecture // 都道府県別の実績 Format : Excel / PDF Update rate: Every few days (the last update is the 7th of May) Infos: n°1 inoculation, n°2 inoculation, total

Leko commented 3 years ago

These are in my repository.

Number of people vaccinated per category // 日別の実績(医療従事者等 (medical staff) / 高齢者等(elderly))

Number of people vaccinated per day per prefecture // 都道府県別の実績

And this is a dashboard for visualizing vaccination progress by using the data in my repository. It uses Google Data Studio to create the dashboard. Although it isn't so beautiful and written in Japanese, it can be an example of a vaccination dashboard. Just FYI

ronkorving commented 3 years ago

@Leko I love it, thanks for building and sharing that!

shuuji3 commented 2 years ago

In addition to the ones MargauxBarbier shared, there are two data sources we could use:

1. three APIs on the government website

API Format Sample
Numbers of vaccination by prefecture, gender, and age range (都道府県別接種回数詳細) NDJSON
Today's summary of vaccination by date (接種日別接種回数サマリー) CSV
Today's summary of vaccination by prefecture (都道府県別累積接種回数サマリー) CSV

2. COVID-19/data_tables/vaccine_data/global_data at master · govex/COVID-19


> head -1 time_series_covid19_vaccine_global.csv; grep 'Japan,' time_series_covid19_vaccine_global.csv | grep 2021-08
