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Rebalance Dragon Survival Ability Cooldowns/mana costs #274

Closed PizzaPolice closed 9 months ago

PizzaPolice commented 9 months ago

Mana should be the limiter on spell casting over cooldown for breaths Cooldowns should be "reasonable" but not "i don't need anything other than my abilities" Buffs should last long enough such that they're not annoying to re-apply but not so long that they're "passives" Feel strong in end game, feel usable in early

Current design: Generic utility buffs: 180 duration (+180 on lvl 2) vs 300 CD Breaths: 5 second channel 30 second cooldown 1 mana to start 1 mana every 2 seconds Wind walk at home: 30 second duration (+30 on lvl 2) 30 second cooldown All buffs cast time reduced from the insanity of up to 40 seconds to one second All projectiles cooldown reduced to 10 seconds channel time to 1 second (they're not amazing either way) Utility buffs (sea vision + lava vision) duration upped to 1200 CD 1400 duration

All damage unchanged

PizzaPolice commented 9 months ago

Configs complete and pushed to defaultconfigs folder