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Hello and welcome to the official repository for the homepage source code of We are delighted to have you here and want to provide you with a warm introduction to what this repository is all about.
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Improve transparency that you aren't official #3

Closed KobeW50 closed 9 months ago

KobeW50 commented 9 months ago

Hi there. I'm an active helper in the ReVanced and ReVanced Extended communities.

You state in the #README of this repo the following 2 quotes:

"At, our primary goal is to offer a trustworthy platform where everyone can conveniently download various APKs related to ReVanced projects, as well as other modded APKs. Our aim is to provide clean and efficient installation links for your convenience."

" will gradually release source codes related to our automated build processes through continuous delivery. This strategic step is taken to eliminate any unnecessary misunderstandings regarding our website and its operations. Our ultimate aim is to build trust and confidence among our users."

Unfortunately, much must be done if you would like to achieve this goal of trust and transparency. The site and repository poorly relay the fact that the project is unofficial, which is essential information to give users so they can make an informed choice about using your software. A user would need to scroll to the bottom of the FAQ on the site to see this, which isn't an ideal design if trust is what you are looking to achieve.

A prominent and bold acknowledgment that you aren't official on the home page will go a long way in providing comfort and assurance to users that you are trustworthy.

Furthermore, the Manager and all patched APKs on the site are branded as if they are the official apps. I suggest renaming the text on the download buttons to emphasize that these are APKs made by the community (which implies that they aren't official). For example, you can rename the download button for the Manager to "Community ReVanced Manager".

These issues mislead users to believe they are using official software and end up going to the official support communities on Reddit, Discord, and Telegram when they need help but then learn that we can't help them because they are using unofficial APKs.

Thank you for reading

revancedapps commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your empathy and feedback on modifying the content. We will use these suggestions to make some adjustments that will increase the transparency of the website.

KobeW50 commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your empathy and feedback on modifying the content. We will use these suggestions to make some adjustments that will increase the transparency of the website.

I see you have made many improvements to the site. Thank you

One more suggestion:

It would make sense for you to add a link to this GitHub repository on the site so people can see that it is open-source, read the code, and help contribute

bersbersbers commented 8 months ago

"official repository for the homepage source code of revanced .net" still sounds rather sketchy, as if someone wanted users to misread this as "official repository of ... revanced" :)

revancedapps commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your feedback. If you notice, the description of the repo lacks a space between "revanced" and ".net," whereas in yours, there is a space, causing a misunderstanding. This sentence is intended to affirm that this repo contains the source code of the website "", hope everyone understands it correctly.


bersbersbers commented 8 months ago

You are right about the space. (I had to add it to make the italic formatting via underscores work - I did not mean to change the meaning of the current text.)