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adding multistate tutorial #9

Closed wrightaprilm closed 4 years ago

wrightaprilm commented 4 years ago

Hi all, added a tutorial describing how to partition multistate characters with the Mk model. We might consider making this the default morphology tutorial.

wrightaprilm commented 4 years ago

I forgot to add an exclude block to the header to remove the bears scripts and data. That's fixed now.

With respect to the error: I added a line to the tutorial to exclude non-binary characters for the choose-your-own-adventure. Mostly due to tractability of completing the model in the classroom setting. I also added an example of incorporating the Dirichlet model into a matrix partitioning loop to allow each character state space to have its own state frequency variation. Let me know what you think of that.

wrightaprilm commented 4 years ago

Thanks, y'all. I've been using some variant of it since the RevBayes Workshop at the US Geological Society meetings.

It looks like we've met the new guidelines for review outlined in #10. Is that right, @bjoelle? If so, I'll go ahead and merge this.