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Spike: Determine Best Location Service for Proof of Concept #5

Closed iamjoshfrank closed 4 years ago

iamjoshfrank commented 4 years ago


This Issue may become unnecessary if we discover by way of Spike: In/validate Significant Locations Theory (#4) that we can in fact access iOS's Significant Locations feature.

However, assuming we cannot use Significant Locations, we need to quickly identify the most appropriate way to gather and save each a user's location history locally to the device.

Resources (Technical)

Resources (Experts / Epidemiologists)

Goals of this Issue

Scenario: Decide on Location Service

Given we have ruled out Significant Locations (#4) as a viable solution

DejaTrudeaux commented 4 years ago

@iamjoshfrank Here's some of our findings from our Zoom call, and this is the Google Doc we've been hashing it out on since >>

Limitations: Using Apple’s Signification Locations, we are unable to get location history from weeks before. We talked a little bit about using another API to get previous locations but decided that as a user, doing so might prove a bit unsettling anyway.

Plan: To establish trust with our users, we think it would be helpful to have an onboarding process to ask a user for their cooperation in establishing previous locations in the past 20(?) days. This way, the user would be eased into accepting the contact tracing thing, which is a new experience for most people.

Loosely, we would want onboarding to look like:

Next steps:

We will need to figure out as soon as possible what the hotspots are and how we are going to get those based on parish and use them in the onboarding process. - (We could leverage public health data for cases in LA).

iamjoshfrank commented 4 years ago


@DejaTrudeaux et al.:

I love, love, LOVE that y'all are putting your user-first thinking hat on when trying to solve for this problem.

What I think we need to do in order to fit within the scope of this week (and because it unlocks the rest of what we might consider the "core loop" of the prototype) is to focus on the first implementation of Visits Location Service to start generating a list of the user's locations, stored locally, and displayed to the user in the app interface.

I will gladly split out the task(s) of the "progressive onboarding" into a separate Milestone for consideration / prioritization.

Off the top of my head, one of the largest blockers to your proposed onboarding flow:

Notify them of hotspots in their parish (I think we’re just focusing on Louisiana) and add them if they’ve been to those hotspots recently.

is that easy-to-use, public data from which we can pull existing hotspot information doesn't exist (to our knowledge). Gerard is working on gathering some existing data samples and I might have a blind spot to existing, public datasets. But we can't let that outstanding question stand in the way of starting to track and store location data for our users, assuming that we have the ability to track locations as you suggest.

HauwaAguillard commented 4 years ago

Leveraging public health data we could start here: You could download and sort data via parishes, so it seems

DejaTrudeaux commented 4 years ago

@iamjoshfrank I wonder if, given the limitation of not knowing our exact "hot spots" at this moment, we can just have some type of autocomplete form situation that allows someone to type places in and choose from a dropdown whichever one they meant, and add as many as they'd like?

Eventually with enough users doing this it would become more obvious where the hot spots are at...? Just thinking out loud here. So instead of us saying "Have you been to these specific places" the user would enter that information and that leaves us with less guesswork as to which locations we should constitute as hot spots worth asking about.

iamjoshfrank commented 4 years ago

@HauwaAguillard - possibly. But I feel strongly that there are too many unknowns to include this onboarding approach for this week, because:

iamjoshfrank commented 4 years ago

I wonder if, given the limitation of not knowing our exact "hot spots" at this moment, we can just have some type of autocomplete form situation that allows someone to type places in and choose from a dropdown whichever one they meant, and add as many as they'd like?

This sounds more like, "ask the users to supply their own understanding of where hotspots exist," which isn't what we're trying to achieve.

Happy to hop on Zoom to clarify further if needed.

What I'm proposing is we focus our efforts after the first bullet point y'all outlined:

Loosely, we would want onboarding to look like:

  • Notify them of hotspots in their parish (I think we’re just focusing on Louisiana) and add them if they’ve been to those hotspots recently.
  • Ask for permission to collect location data starting now, and probably express the importance of their cooperation and of us collecting this data.
  • We think we could use the Visits Location Service (apple specific? But probably ok for mvp since only focusing on iOS right now) Link:
    • “Each update includes both the location and the amount of time spent at that location. This service isn’t intended for navigation or other real-time activities, but you can use to identify patterns in the user’s behavior and apply that knowledge to other parts of your app.“
DejaTrudeaux commented 4 years ago

Oh, I see what you're saying. I may not have explained well enough. What I meant was that a user would be able to type in their previous locations from the past couple weeks, disregarding what a hot spot is in the onboarding process and just leaving it up to the user to provide their recent whereabouts.

But sounds good, I will switch gears and start thinking about next steps on second bullet point!

iamjoshfrank commented 4 years ago

Great, and I'll keep in mind the suggestion re: manually creating a list of locations during or after onboarding.

Carry on! (and try to update status on kanban when you can)

Samkeer1 commented 4 years ago

To use location services in the first place, there's a location services authorization prompt in which we are required(I think) to specify the reason we're using a user's location data.

DejaTrudeaux commented 4 years ago

I've been having a gander at this: trying to decide which seems best for our purposes. I think we can rule out Standard Location Service as it seems to do much more than we need.

Between Visits Location Service and Significant-change location service I think Visits location service would probably work best.

I think both have their perks but it'd probably be good to get more accurate locations and use GPS, right? One question I'm thinking about though is whether or not we can configure what is considered "a significant amount of time spent" in both cases.

jwietelmann commented 4 years ago

@DejaTrudeaux Do any of those provide access to history, though? If so, that's our most important differentiator.

DejaTrudeaux commented 4 years ago

@jwietelmann I don't want to be the one to make the final call, but I think we realized that none of these allow access to previous location history bc of a privacy concern. So we talked about taking a different approach which involves an onboarding process asking the user to provide that information. see here:

please let us know if you disagree

Edit: Just poking around and saw this potential alternative in google maps api I mean idk who that guy is but if a user can download their own timeline then submit it to us that would provide accurate data, however i don't know if people would be willing to do that.


jwietelmann commented 4 years ago

If engineering has completed the research to figure out if/how we can get history (sounds like we have), and we don't have big engineering concerns about any which of these ways we end up going (sounds like we don't), then it's time to present your findings to product for them to pick from (cc @iamjoshfrank)

(Also, keep in mind that pinpoint GPS accuracy may not in fact be the most important thing, and the approximation of significant locations to, well, significant locations, might be better. IDK.)

jwietelmann commented 4 years ago

If anyone ends up liking the "manually download from google" route, one can go here to download their entire location history:

iamjoshfrank commented 4 years ago

Yep, this all confirms my assumptions (re: Apple doesn't provide a way for a newly-installed app to access existing location history that might already reside on the phone). As I prepped over the weekend for this week's Spring, and after reviewing the documentation and the Stack Overflow question I linked to in #4, I absolutely came into today with the assumption there would be no good way to get the user's pre-app-download location history. But I wanted to have the team validate or invalidate those assumptions.

  1. I'm tagging @gerardramos to make sure that we're good with moving forward given lack of access to location history. Again, this puts us at a common disadvantage with any other solution - even the Apple-Google Bluetooth API.

  2. My called shot is we move forward with one of the standard location libraries (or a React Native alternative?) and prove out we can safely, securely, and privately store location history locally; unless Gerard pulls the emergency break.

Then we have to take on the task of really "selling" to the user that we're doing it privately and only using it when the user takes action to specifically share it. Regardless of having access to the history or not, we were always going to have to make the pitch to the user re: trust and privacy.

Any other approaches to getting prior location history, either manually input location-by-location by the user (ugh) or by offering to import it from Google (if the user has a Google account) I would deem outside the scope of this week's prototype unless we end up with people that have available cycles to experiment with it.

I'm not sure I'm equipped to speak to the differences and advantages/disadvantages of Visits location service vs Significant-change location. Based on @DejaTrudeaux 's comment / description above, I'm inclined to suggest we move forward with whatever helps to best achieve the following goals as stated in #6:

  • User privacy is paramount. We're assuming at this point that storing the location history locally best serves this purpose. If other recommendations exist, please make them and advocate for them in the Comments.
  • Any location tracking should be as minimal as is effective. This includes granularity and timescale.
  • We should verify with experts the timescale that is appropriate to store locations for the purposes of contact tracing. Our assumption currently is for a period equal to today minus 14 days.

My gut tells me Visits location service is the way to go, if indeed Significant-change location distance cannot be fine-tuned to less than 500 meters (which is ~546 yards, or the equivalent of 5 +football fields). My assumption is that 500 meters isn't specific enough to be meaningful. If we need to verify this further, someone please shout so we can cue up an expert for answers.

It then delivers location updates to your app only when the user’s position changes by a significant amount, such as 500 meters or more. Source: Apple documentation

Samkeer1 commented 4 years ago

@iamjoshfrank Regardless of which service we use, it looks possible to set a 'distanceFilter' to determine how far a user needs to move before location updates happen.

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jwietelmann commented 4 years ago

Correct @Samkeer1 - And we should use it no matter what because of battery considerations, at a minimum.

jwietelmann commented 4 years ago

If either option gives us things like addresses/business/pubic space names, then as far as I'm concerned it's kind of a coin toss unless there are implications one way or the other for, say, background usage. I somewhat suspect it won't matter that much and we can pivot fairly easily if the first one we try turns out not to be the ideal.

Samkeer1 commented 4 years ago

I agree. It might not even matter, but Visits seems to provide a specific location. Background usage-wise, they're both pretty efficient. Here are the documented breakdowns of the two services:

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jwietelmann commented 4 years ago

Let's just start with Visits and go from there. Find us a popular React Native lib that can do it in the background.

iamjoshfrank commented 4 years ago

Agree! Get this closed and move over to #6 to start design/implementation.