Incorporate Mimic testing library for ProdOps-SDK-Elixir to facilitate mocking of HTTP requests within unit tests for the ProdopsEx.Validate.validate_api_key function.
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Test ProdopsEx.Validate.validate_api_key with Mimic stubbing
[ ] Given the ProdOps-SDK-Elixir project is correctly set up with Mimic as a dependency
[ ] And ProdopsEx.Client.api_get is used within the ProdopsEx.Validate.validate_api_key function
[ ] When unit tests for the ProdopsEx.Validate.validate_api_key are executed
[ ] Then Mimic should stub the ProdopsEx.Client.api_get function calls
[ ] And the unit tests should confirm the ProdopsEx.Validate.validate_api_key function's behavior with mocked API responses.
created by using Prodops
Incorporate Mimic testing library for ProdOps-SDK-Elixir to facilitate mocking of HTTP requests within unit tests for the ProdopsEx.Validate.validate_api_key function.
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Test ProdopsEx.Validate.validate_api_key with Mimic stubbing
[ ] And the unit tests should confirm the ProdopsEx.Validate.validate_api_key function's behavior with mocked API responses.
created by using Prodops