reveng007 / reveng_rtkit

Linux Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) based rootkit (ring-0), capable of hiding itself, processes/implants, rmmod proof, has ability to bypass infamous rkhunter antirootkit.
MIT License
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Adding system() C function alike function in Linux Kernel programming, in order to open a new bash/sh prompt #1

Open reveng007 opened 2 years ago

reveng007 commented 2 years ago

This rootkit is capable of providing rootshell to only bash and sh shell, not others. Although, it is possible for other shells as well but with some tricks. We can use system() C function alike function in Linux Kernel programming, so that we 1st trigger a bash/sh shell then offer rootshell to the attacker. I haven't got that type of kernel function till now, but as soon as I get it, I will add it up. If anybody viewing this know about this, or interested to contribute, are most welcome to make a pull request.

loneicewolf commented 1 year ago

How will the operator(the person who controls the rootkit) "get" the root shell? for example, is the below what you expect or ?

note, I just made this example up. There is loads of ways to "do this" and I just wanted to make sure I understood the goal you wanted to achieve. :)

if this is incorrect, maybe you could make a 1,2,3 list of what the function will do? like

  1. read input
  2. do (something with input )..
  3. get root

reveng007 commented 1 year ago

Okay... I tried that scenario i.e. using chardev to get root priv. But I was unable to do so. I performed system call interception to achieve this in reveng_rtkit, to get root shell

You can refer to my blog: (Move down to part 6)

loneicewolf commented 1 year ago

@reveng007 Okay, thanks, ill check that 🍵.